Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; List of Illustrations; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part One: New World Utopias: Cultivating Immigrant Identities through Food; 1. Pinched with Hunger, Partaking of Plenty: Fasts and Thanksgivingsin Early New England; 2. Faith, Flatulence, and Fandangos in the Spanish-American Borderlands; 3. An Appetite for America: Philip Roth's Antipastorals; 4. You Are Where You Eat: Negotiating Hindu Utopias in Atlanta; Part Two: Communal Utopias: Eating In, but Not Of, the World.
North America has provided a fertile setting for the development of distinctive foodways reflecting the diverse visions of life in the United States. This book explores the ways Americans have produced, consumed, avoided, and marketed food and food-related products and meanings to further their visionary ideals.