1. Sectoral systems of innovation and production in developing countries : an introduction / Franco Malerba and Sunil Mani -- 2. Why is the Indian pharmaceutical industry more innovative than its telecommunications equipment industry? : contrasts between the sectoral systems of innovation of the Indian pharmaceutical and telecommunications industries / Sunil Mani -- 3. From innovation projects to knowledge networks : knowledge as contingency in the sectoral organization of innovation / Fernando Perini -- 4. Learning, innovation and public policy : the emergence of the Brazilian pulp and paper industry / Hannes Toivanen and Maria Barbosa Lima-Toivanen -- 5. Software sector in Uruguay : a sectoral systems of innovation perspective / Marjolein Caniëls, Effie Kesidou and Henny Romijn -- 6. Sectoral system of innovation in Brazil : reflections about the accumulation of technological capabilities in the aeronautic sector (1990-2002) / Rosane Argou Marques and L. Guilherme de Oliveira -- 7. China's threat and opportunity for the Thai and Vietnamese motorcycle industries : a sectoral innovation system analysis / Patarapong Intarakumnerd and Mai Fujita -- 8. 'Low-tech' industry : a new path for development? : the case of the salmon farming industry in Chile / Michiko Iizuka -- 9. Making a technological catch-up in the capital goods industry : barriers and opportunities in the Korean case / Yoon-Zi Kim and Keum Lee -- 10. From 'nuts and bolts' to 'bits and bytes' : the evolution of Taiwan ICT in a global knowledge-based economy / Ting-Lin Lee -- 11. Prospects for Jatropha biofuels in Tanzania : an analysis with strategic niche management / Janske van Eijck and Henny Romijn.
Industrial efficiency-- Developing countries, Case studies.
Industrial efficiency-- Developing countries.
Technological innovations-- Developing countries, Case studies.