PART ONE Continental Contrasts -- CHAPTER I Differences -- CHAPTER II On History, Heritage, andHabits of Life -- PART TWO Qualities of Life -- Chapter III E quality, Opportunity,Stability -- CHAPTEr IV Uncommon Marketplaces -- PART THREE Freedom and Order -- CHAPTER V Legacies, Ancient and Modern -- CHAPTER VI The Fly in the Soup -- CHAPTER VII The Force of Things -- APPENDIX 1 -- APPENDIX 2 -- APPENDIX 3 -- Notes -- A Selected Bibliography for Further Reading -- Index.
Dennis Bark offers an in-depth examination of the deteriorating relationship between America and Europe: our differences and similarities, the reasons behind our conflicts, and the future of our alliance. He shows that, by learning what our essential difference teaches us about ourselves and drawing on our shared affinities, we might repair our fading relationship.