Cover -- Contents -- List of Main Symbols -- I58; Fundamentals of Electrochemistry -- 1 Introduction -- 146;1 A typical system -- 2 Preliminaries -- 1 Inner44; outer44; and surface potentials -- 2 The electrochemical potential -- 3 Absolute electrode potential -- 4 Three45;electrode configuration -- 3 The metal45;solution interface -- 346;1 Ideally polarizable electrodes -- 346;2 The Gouy45;Chapman theory -- 346;3 The Helmholtz capacity -- 346;4 The potential of zero charge -- 346;5 Surface tension and the potential of zero charge -- 4 Adsorption on metal electrodes -- 446;1 Adsorption phenomena -- 446;2 Adsorption isotherms -- 446;3 The dipole moment of an adsorbed ion -- 446;4 The structure of single crystal surfaces -- 446;5 The adsorption of iodide on Pt40;11141; -- 446;6 Underpotential deposition -- 446;7 Adsorption of organic molecules -- 5 Phenomenological treatment of electron45;transfer reactions -- 546;1 Outer45;sphere electron45;transfer -- 546;2 The Butler45;Volmer equation -- 546;3 Double45;layer corrections -- 546;4 A note on inner45;sphere reactions -- 6 Theoretical considerations of electron45;transfer reactions -- 646;1 Qualitative aspects -- 646;2 A simple model for electron45;transfer reactions -- 646;3 Electronic structure of the electrode -- 646;4 Gerischer39;s formulation -- 646;5 The energy of reorganization -- 7 The semiconductor45;electrolyte interface -- 746;1 Electronic structure of semiconductors -- 746;2 Potential profile and band bending -- 746;3 Electron45;transfer reactions -- 746;4 Photoinduced electron45;transfer -- 746;5 Dissolution of semiconductors -- 8 Selected experimental results for electron45;transfer reactions -- 846;1 Validity of the Butler45;Volmer equation -- 846;2 Curvature of Tafel plots -- 846;3 Adiabatic electron45;transfer reactions -- 846;4 Electrochemical properties of SnO[sub40;241;] -- 846;5 Photocurrents on WO[sub40;341;] electrodes -- 9 Proton45; and ion45;transfer reactions -- 946;1 Dependence on the electrode potential -- 946;2 Rate45;determining step -- 946;3 The hydrogen evolution reaction -- 946;4 Oxygen reduction -- 946;5 Chlorine evolution -- 946;6 Reaction rate and adsorption energy -- 946;7 Comparison of ion45; and electron45;transfer reactions -- 10 Metal deposition and dissolution -- 1046;1 Morphological aspects -- 1046;2 Surface diffusion -- 1046;3 Nucleation -- 1046;4 Growth of two45;dimensional films -- 1046;5 Deposition on uniformly flat surfaces -- 1046;6 Metal dissolution and passivation -- 11 Complex reactions -- 1146;1 Consecutive charge45;transfer reactions -- 1146;2 Electrochemical reaction order -- 1146;3 Deposition of silver in the presence of cyanide -- 1146;4 Mixed potentials and corrosion -- 12 Liquid45;liquid interfaces -- 11 The interface between two immiscible solutions -- 12 Partitioning of ions -- 13 Energies of transfer of single ions -- 14 Double45;layer properties -- 15 Electron45;transfer reactions.
This book provides an advanced level introduction to the electrochemistry. It provides the background required to follow current research in a subject which has again become highly topical through the recent development of surface sensitive techniques. It is divided into three parts covering the fundamentals of the subject, the experimental methods including surface sensitive techniques, and a few important problems in theoretical electrochemistry. A special chapter is devoted to liquid-liquid interfaces which have become of interest because of their relation to biological membranes.