Managing and predicting maritime and off-shore risk / R.B. Duffey & J.W. Saull -- Transportation system architecture for intelligent management / J. Szpytko -- Risk analysis and human factor in prevention of CRG casualties / L. Kobyliânski -- Estimation of the probability of propulsion loss by a seagoing ship based on expert opinions / A. Brandowski & W. Frñackowiak -- Finite discrete Markov model of ship safety / L. Smolarek -- The possibility of application of algorithms indicating maximum paths in directed graphs for modeling of the evacuation process / D.H. ¡ozowicka -- Maritime transport development in the global scale : the main chances, threats and challenges / A.S. Grzelakawski -- Maritime safety in European concept of the internalization of external costs of transport / M. Matczak -- e-Maritime : an enabling framework for knowledge transfer and innovative information services development across the waterborne transport sector / J. Graff -- Challenges for Polish seaports' development in the light of globalisation processes in maritime transport / A. Przyby"owski -- An analysis of marine navigation and safety of sea transportation by Iranian women as officer and master mariner / H. Yousefi -- Modelling support for maritime terminals planning and operation / S. Ricci & C. Marinacci -- Turkish maritime transport policy (1960-2008) / M. Kadioglu -- The influence of organic polymer on parameters determining ability to liquefaction of mineral concentrates / M. Popek -- Application of thermal analysis and trough test for determination of the fire safety of some fertilizers containing nitrates / K. Kwiatkawska-Sienkiewicz & P. Ka"ucka -- Problem behaviours among children of Filipino seafarers in Iloilo City, Philippines / V.B. Jaleco, M.G. Gayo, Jr., R.L. Pador & R.A. Alimen -- Predicting emotional intelligence in maritime management : imperative, yet elusive / E.S. Potoker & J.-A. Corwin -- Officers' shortage : viewpoints from stakeholders / G. Eler, J. Calambuhay, L. Bernas & M. Magramo -- A noble profession called seafaring : the making of an officer / M. Magramo & L. Gellada -- Officers as prostitutes : myth or reality? (a study on poaching of officers in the Philippines) / M. Magramo, G. Eler, J Calambuhay & L. Bernas -- The economical emigration aspect of East and Central European seafarers : motivation for employment in foreign fleet / V. Senécila, I. Bartuseviéciençe, L. Rupésiençe & G. Kalvaitiençe -- The role of the maritime institutions on the shortage of officers / M. Magramo, L. Bernas, J. Calambuhay & G. Eler -- Psychological features of seamen's activity in emergency situations / V.A. Bondarev & O.M Bondareva.
Maritime education : putting in the right emphasis / A. Ali -- Correlation between academic performance in Auxiliary Machinery 2 subject and navigational trip among marine engineering students at Maritime University in the Philippines / R.A. Alimen, V.B. Jaleco, R.L. Pador & M.G. Gayo, Jr. -- Higher performance in maritime education through better trained lecturers / R. Hanzu-Pazara, P. Arsenie & L. Hanzu-Pazara -- Mentoring and the transfer of experiential knowledge in today's merchant fleet / A.L. Le Goubin -- Stakeholder satisfaction : research evaluation of marine engineering cadets' performance at Maritime University, Philippines / R.A. Alimen, M. Gayo, Jr. & V.B. Jaleco -- Project PRACNAV for a better on board training curricula / E. Barsan & C. Muntean -- A new tool for evaluating and training of chemical tanker crew : seafarer evaluation and training software : DEPEDES (SETS) / O. Arslan, O. Gurel & M. Kadioglu -- MET system in Ukraine / M.V. Miyusov & D.S. Zhukov -- The Somali piracy new or old challenge for international community / D. Duda & T. Szubrycht -- The importance of the educational factor to assure the safe and security on the sea / L.C. Stan & N. Buzbuchi -- Standard for quality assurance : the case of Philippine Maritime College / A.C. Doromal -- Novelties in the development of the qualification standards for electro-technical officers under STCW convention requirements / J. Wyszkowski, J. Mindykowski & R. Wawruch -- Assessment of ISPS code compliance at ports using cognitive maps / M. Celik & Y. Ilker Topcu -- Dynamic component of ship's heeling moment due to sloshing vs. IMO IS-code recommendations / P. Krata -- The influence of the flooding damaged compartment on the metacentric height ship type 888 / W. Mironiuk -- Intelligent evaluation system of ship management / Q. Xu, X. Meng & N. Wang -- Round table panel session : GNSS and safety and security of marine navigation.
Multi-objective optimization of motor vessel route / S. Marie & E. Courteille -- Application of the 1-2-3 rule for calculations of a vessel's route using evolutionary algorithms / B. Wiâsniewski, P. Medyna & J. Chomski -- Multicriteria optimisation in weather routing / J. Sz"apczyânska & R. âSmierzchalski -- On the fuel saving operation for coastal merchant ships using weather routing / K. Takashima, B. Mezaoui & R. Shoji -- Solving multi-ship encounter situations by evolutionary sets of cooperating trajectories / R. Sz"apczyânski -- Evolutionary sets of cooperating trajectories in multi-ship encounter situations : use cases / R. Sz"apczyânski -- Contemporary problems of navigation nearly pole / E.M. Lushnikov -- A case study from an emergency operation in the Arctic Seas / B. Kvamstad, K.E. Fj²rtojt, F. Bekkadal, A.V. Marchenko & J.L. Ervik -- Ice conditions and human factors in marine accidents at the Arctic / N. Marchenko -- Sea ice services in the Baltic Sea / M. Sztobryn -- Low sea level occurrence of the southern Baltic Sea coast / I. Stanis"awczyk, B. Kowalska & M. Mykita -- Measurement system for wind and waves characteristics registration on the Silm Lake / L. Morawski, J. Pomirski, P. Sikora & R. Sokâo" -- Simplified method for estimating maximum ship's draught when navigating in shallow water on the south of Stolpe Bank in the aspect of the vessels with maximun dimensions and draught / G. Rutkowski & A. Krâolikawski -- Asymptotic theory of ship motions in regular waves under shallow water conditions / Y.L. Vorobyov & M.S. Stasenko -- Stabilization of fractional positive continuous-time linear systems in sectors of left-hand half complex plane by state-feedbacks / T. Kaczorek -- The comparison of safe control methods in marine navigation in congested waters / J. Lisowski -- A numerical study of combined natural and Marangoni convection in a square cavity / K. Cicek & A. Cihat Baytas -- An application of mathematical theory of evidence in navigation / W. Filipowicz -- The H2 and robust H[subscript inf] regulators applied to multivariable ship steering / W. Gierusz -- Speciation of population in neuroevolutionary ship handling / M. ¡ñacki -- Equalization of the measurements of the altitude, the azimuth and the time from observation of passages of celestial bodies / P. Bobkiewicz -- Programmatic correction of errors of measuring track processing / M. Luft, E. Szychta & R. Cioc -- Alternative for Kalman filter : two dimension self-learning filter with memory / A. Fellner, K. Banaszek & P. Trâominski.
In recent years much attention has been paid to safety of navigation and marine transportation. Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation addresses the main aspects of marine safety, including: safety of navigation; manoeuvering and ship-handling systems; marine traffic control and automatic identification systems; navigation tools, systems and equipment; anti-collision; communication at sea; manoeuvering and pilot navigation; sea-river and inland navigation; route planning and weather navigation; hydrometeorological aspects; methods and algorithms; safety and reliability aspects of t.
Ingram Content Group
Marine navigation and safety of sea transportation.
Aids to navigation, Congresses.
Electronics in navigation, Congresses.
Nautical instruments, Congresses.
Shipping-- Safety measures, Congresses.
Shipping-- Technological innovations, Congresses.
Aids to navigation.
Electronics in navigation.
Nautical instruments.
Shipping-- Safety measures.
Shipping-- Technological innovations.
TRA-- 008000
Weintrit, Adam.
International Navigational Symposium on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation(8th :2009 :, Gdynia, Poland)