Includes bibliographical references (pages 215-225) and index.
1. Philosophy of Science and Economics: Methodological Perspectives -- 2. Rhetoric: The Abandonment of Methodology? -- 3. Contemporary Philosophy of Science: Methodology Revisited -- 4. Scientific Realism: Methodology Reinstated -- 5. The Plausibility of Economic Assumptions: Realist Perspectives -- 6. Constructive Empiricism: The Challenge to Scientific Realism -- 7. Towards a Reconstruction of Economic Methodology: The Emergence of Causal Holism -- 8. From Friedman to Kaldor: A Causal Holist Critique of the Methodology of Neoclassical Economics -- 9. Causal Holism: Beyond Rhetoric and Realism.
Boylan and O'Gorman inject a fresh empiricist voice into the debate on economic methodology. They strike a reasonable middle ground between the extremes of scientific realism and the rhetoric of economics.