Bonnie Angelo ; with an epilogue on new First Mother, Barbara Bush.
1st HarperPerennial ed.
New York, NY :
x, 466 pages :
illustrations ;
21 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 439-450) and index.
Introduction -- To the manner born [Franklin D Roosevelt] -- Be a good boy, Harry [Harry S Truman] -- Six boys and a piano [Dwight David Eisenhower] -- Glue that held it all together [John F Kennedy] -- Dancing lessons for Lyndon [Lyndon B Johnson] -- Fifty pies before breakfast [Richard Nixon] -- Act of courage [Gerald Ford] -- Mama's in the Peace Corps [Jimmy Carter] -- That's my Dutch! [Ronald Reagan] -- Play by mother's rules [George Bush] -- My life is like a country song [Bill Clinton] -- New dynasty [George Walker Bush] -- Passionate attachments -- Selected readings -- Acknowledgments -- Index.
Overview: Behind every successful man, they say, is a woman. And in the case of U.S. Presidents, the women who shaped their characters to the greatest degree were their mothers. Now, First Mothers tells the stories of the women - Sara Delano Roosevelt, Martha Truman, Ida Eisenhower, Rose Kennedy, Rebekah Baines Johnson, Hannah Milhous Nixon, Dorothy Ford, Lillian Carter, Nelle Reagan, Dorothy Bush, and Virginia Kelley - who raised the American presidents of our times. Bonnie Angelo creates much more than a faded daguerreotype in the family album, offering enthralling personal anecdotes that leap right off the page. She captures the daily lives, thoughts, and feelings of these remarkable women, and the relationships between them and their sons (and their daughters-in-law as well). Drawing on unprecedented interviews with living relatives, this is a richly textured, in-depth look at the special mother-son bonds that nurtured the last 11 American presidents to the pinnacle of power.