Published in association with the Textile Institute.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; Geosynthetics in civil engineering; Copyright; Contents; Contributor contact details; Part I General issues; 1The design principles of geosynthetics; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Past practice in geosynthetic design; 1.3 Present practice in geosynthetic design; 1.4 Possible future practice in geosynthetic design; 1.5 Summary and conclusions; 1.6 Acknowledgements; 1.7 References; 2The material properties of geosynthetics; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Physical properties; 2.3 Mechanical properties; 2.4 Hydraulic properties; 2.5 Endurance properties; 2.6 Degradation; 2.7 Sources of further information.
2.8 References3The durability of geosynthetics; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Mechanisms of degradation; 3.3 Synergistic effects; 3.4 Accelerated testing methods; 3.5 Summary and conclusion; 3.6 Acknowledgements; 3.7 References; 4National and international standards governing geosynthetics; 4.1 Why standardization?; 4.2 Types of standard; 4.3 Standards development organizations; 4.4 Geosynthetic standards; 4.5 Future trends; 4.6 Conclusions; 4.7 References; Part II Applications; 5Multifunctional uses of geosynthetics in civil engineering; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Composite geosynthetics.
5.3 Smart geosynthetics5.4 Active geosynthetics; 5.5 Future trends; 5.6 Sources of further information; 5.7 References; 6The use of geosynthetics as filters in civil engineering; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Compatibility requirements; 6.3 Material properties for design; 6.4 Design criteria; 6.5 Specification of materials; 6.6 Construction considerations; 6.7 Sources of further information; 6.8 Future trends; 6.9 References; 7The use of geosynthetics as separators in civil engineering; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Applications; 7.3 Requirements for geotextiles; 7.4 Requirements for fill material.
7.5 Construction7.6 References; 7.7 Regulations; 8Landfill applications; 8.1 Waste separation and pretreatment; 8.2 Landfill concepts; 8.3 Landfill phases; 8.4 Landfill liners; 8.5 Design considerations for earthen liners; 8.6 Design considerations for geomembrane liners; 8.7 Drainage systems; 8.8 Landfill gas generation and management; 8.9 Cut-off walls; 8.10 Safety analysis of landfill liners; 8.11 Acknowledgements; 8.12 References; 8.13 Further reading; 9The use of geosynthetics as barrier materials in civil engineering; 9.1 History; 9.2 Products; 9.3 Design; 9.4 Hydraulic applications.
9.5 Tunnelling9.6 Transportation; 9.7 Landfills; 9.8 Construction of geosynthetic barriers; 9.9 References; 10The use of geosynthetics to improve the performance of foundations in civil engineering; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 Column-supported embankments; 10.3 Advantages and disadvantages of column-supported embankments; 10.4 Feasibility evaluations; 10.5 Design concepts; 10.6 Geosynthetic-reinforced soil foundations; 10.7 References; 11Quality assurance for geosynthetics; 11.1 Introduction; 11.2 Definitions; 11.3 Responsibilities; 11.4 Design aspects; 11.5 Manufacturing quality control.
Geosynthetics are man-made polymer-based materials which facilitate cost effective building, environmental, transportation and other construction projects. Given their versatility, geosynthetics are a vital material in all aspects of civil engineering. The first section of the book covers the fundamentals of geosynthetics. Chapters discuss the design and durability of geosynthetics together with their material properties and international standards governing their use. Building on these foundations, part two examines the various applications of geosynthetics in areas such as filters, separators, landfills, barriers and foundation materials. The book concludes by reviewing methods of quality assurance and the service life of geosynthetics. Written by an international team of contributors, Geosynthetics in civil engineering is an essential reference to all those involved in civil engineering. Discusses the fundamentals of geosyntheticsExamines various applications in areas such as filters, separators, landfills and foundation materialsReviews quality assurance and the service life of geosynthetics.