Part 1. The writing process -- 1. Assessing the writing situation -- 2. Developing and shaping ideas -- 3. Drafting and revising -- 4. Writing and revising paragraphs -- 5. Designing documents -- Part 2. Reading and writing in college -- 6. Writing in academic situations -- 7. Studying effectively and taking exams -- 8. Forming a critical perspective -- 9. Reading arguments critically -- 10. Writing an argument -- 11. Reading and using visual arguments -- Part 3. Grammatical sentences -- 12. Understanding sentence grammar -- 13. Case of nouns and pronouns -- 14. Verbs -- 15. Agreement -- 16. Adjectives and adverbs -- Part 4. Clear sentences -- 17. Sentence fragments -- 18. Comma splices and fused sentences -- 19. Pronoun reference -- 20. Shifts -- 21. Misplaced and dangling modifiers -- 22. Mixed and incomplete sentences -- Part 5. Effective sentences -- 23. Emphasizing ideas -- 24. Using coordination and subordination -- 25. Using parallelism -- 26. Achieving variety -- Part 6. Punctuation -- 27. End punctuation -- 28. The comma -- 29. The semicolon -- 30. The apostrophe -- 31. Quotation marks -- 32. Other punctuation marks -- Part 7. Mechanics -- 33. Capitals -- 34. Underlining or italics -- 35. Abbreviations -- 36. Numbers -- Part 8. Effective words -- 37. Using appropriate language -- 38. Using exact language -- 39. Writing concisely -- 40. Using dictionaries -- 41. Spelling and the hyphen -- Part 9. Research writing -- 42. Planning a research project -- 43. Finding sources -- 44. Working with sources -- 45. Avoiding plagiarism and documenting sources -- 46. Writing the paper -- 47. Using MLA documentation and format -- 48. Two research papers in MLA style. "Closing the digital divide". "Annie Dillard's healing vision" -- Part 10. Writing in the academic disciplines -- 49. Working with the goals and requirements of the disciplines -- 50. Reading and writing about literature -- 51. Writing in other humanities -- 52. Writing in the social sciences -- 53. Writing in the natural and applied sciences -- Part 11. Special writing situations -- 54. Writing online -- 55. Public writing -- 56. Oral presentations.
The Little, Brown Handbook provides reliable and thorough coverage of such handbook basics as the writing process, grammar, research, and documentation, while also giving detailed discussions of critical reading and writing in academic situations, study skills, argument, using computers and the Internet (for both writing and research), writing in the disciplines, writing for public audiences, and oral presentations. Widely used by students at all levels, LBH works as a comprehensive classroom text as well as an accessible reference guide. The tenth edition features three new emphases: (1) reading and writing in college, including new chapters on academic writing and study skills along with expanded coverage of critical thinking and argument; (2) visual literacy, including more on creating and using illustrations, more on viewing images critically, and new coverage of visual argument; (3) research writing, including more on using library subscription services and evaluating Web sites, new annotated sample pages from key source types, and new coverage of annotated bibliographies, Web logs, and finding images. --Publisher's description.
English language-- Grammar, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
English language-- Rhetoric, Handbooks, manuals, etc.