Neurosphere and Neural Colony-Forming Cell Assays / Sharon A. Louis, Brent A. Reynolds -- Directed Neuronal Differentiation of Embryonic and Adult-Derived Neurosphere Cells / Marcos R. Costa, Ravi Jagasia, Benedikt Berninger -- Culture and Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells / Soojung Shin, Mohan Vemuri -- Neural Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells / Mirella Dottori, Alice Pébay, Martin F. Pera -- Isolation and Culture of Primary Human CNS Neural Cells / Manon Blain, Veronique E. Miron, Caroline Lambert, Peter J. Darlington, Qiao-Ling Cui, Philippe Saikali, V. Wee Yong, Jack P. Antel -- Bioengineering Protocols for Neural Precursor Cell Expansion / Behnam A. Baghbaderani, Arindom Sen, Michael S. Kallos, Leo A. Behie -- Intracellular Calcium Assays in Dissociated Primary Cortical Neurons / Navjot Kaur, David V. Thompson, David Judd, David R. Piper, Richard G. Del Mastro -- Dissociated Hippocampal Cultures / Francine Nault, Paul Koninck -- Primary Sensory and Motor Neuron Cultures / Andrea M. Vincent, Eva L. Feldman -- Retinal Cell and Tissue Culture / Francisco L.A.F. Gomes, Michel Cayouette -- Preparation of Normal and Reactive Astrocyte Cultures / Jean Vellis, Cristina A. Ghiani, Ina B. Wanner, Ruth Cole -- Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cell Culture / Akiko Nishiyama, Ryusuke Suzuki, Hao Zuo, Xiaoqin Zhu -- Isolation of Microglia Subpopulations / Makoto Sawada, Hiromi Suzuki -- Microglia from Progenitor Cells in Mouse Neopallium / Sergey Fedoroff, Arleen Richardson -- Primary Schwann Cell Cultures / Haesun A. Kim, Patrice Maurel -- Primary Dissociated Astrocyte and Neuron Co-culture / Shelley Jacobs, Laurie C. Doering -- Cerebellar Slice Cultures / Josef P. Kapfhammer -- Hippocampal Slice Cultures / Jesse E. Hanson, Adrienne L. Orr, Silvia Fernandez-Illescas, Ricardo A. Valenzuela, Daniel V. Madison -- Molecular Substrates for Growing Neurons in Culture / Saulius Satkauskas, Arnaud Muller, Morgane Roth, Dominique Bagnard -- Guidance and Outgrowth Assays for Embryonic Thalamic Axons / Alexandre Bonnin -- Detection of Cell Death in Neuronal Cultures / Sean P. Cregan -- Live Imaging of Neural Cell Functions / Sabine Bavamian, Eliana Scemes, Paolo Meda -- Tissue Culture Procedures and Tips / Arleen Richardson, Sergey Fedoroff.
Since the conception of this acclaimed series of volumes examining neural tissue culture, the expansion of neuroscience has continued to produce vital discoveries that utilize tissue culture methodologies. The expert contributors to the fourth edition of Protocols for Neural Cell Culture refine existing protocols and present the emerging new techniques and culture media formulations linked with the many advances in neuroscience. While highlighting updated experimental procedures for many of the classical neural tissue culture preps, the volume addresses topics such as regenerative medicine and the methods to grow and expand embryonic and adult neural stem cells. Essential techniques for the isolation, expansion, and cryopreservation of neural tissue from mouse, rat, and human sources are covered, as well as methods to assess aspects of cell function (calcium imaging) and cell death. With its detailed, step-by-step laboratory protocols, this volume provides the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that is crucial for getting optimal results. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Protocols for Neural Cell Culture, Fourth Edition continues the previous editions' tradition of exceptional quality and thorough coverage in tissue culture protocols for today's neuroscience in order to inspire researchers in the field to further explore this imperative area of study.
Protocols for neural cell culture.
Nerve tissue-- Cultures and culture media, Laboratory manuals.