The Civilized Organization. Norbert Elias and the future of Organization Studies; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Introduction. Norbert Elias and the civilized organization; Part I: Organizing Discourse; Chapter 1: The development of meeting behaviour in modern organizations and the rise of an upper class of professional chairpersons; Chapter 2: Blame and praise gossip in organizations Established, outsiders and the civilising process; Chapter 3: The humiliating organisation. The functions and dysfunctions of degradation; Part II: Negotiating Boundaries.
This book brings a major new resource to organization studies: the work of Norbert Elias. By applying his ideas in a critical but sympathetic way, the authors provide a new perspective on the never-ending stream of management fads and fashions. Standing back and taking a more detached perspective, inspired by the work of Norbert Elias (1897-1990), it becomes clear that many 'new' types of organizations are often variations on an old theme. Elias gives us considerable purchase on current debates through his emphasis on long-term historical perspectives, his highlighting of issues of power, emoti.
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