"This work has been published with the help of the French Ministère de la Culture--Centre national du livre."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Broadband Local Loops for High-Speed Internet Access -- Contents vii -- Foreward xvii -- Preface xix -- Motivation xix -- Intended Audience and Objectives xx -- Acknowledgments xxi -- Introduction xxiii -- 1 Telecommunications Network Evolution 1 -- 1.1 Introduction 1 -- 1.2 The Internet and Its Access Modes 1 -- 1.3 QoS Provisioning in Data Networks 6 -- 1.4 IP-VPNs 16 -- 1.5 Conclusion and Perspectives 18 -- References 18 -- Selected Bibliography 19 -- 2 Existing Infrastructure and Dial-Up Modems 21 -- 2.1 Introduction 21 -- 2.2 Dial-Up Modems 22 -- 2.3 Access to the Telephone System 31.
2.4 Leased Lines and Basic Access to Narrowband ISDN 33 -- 2.5 V5 Interface and Unbundling 40 -- 2.6 Digital Loop Carrier and Carrier Serving Area 41 -- 2.7 Dial-Up Modems and Erlang's Formula 43 -- 2.8 Conclusion and Perspective 44 -- References 44 -- Selected Bibliography 44 -- 3 Unbundling Characteristics and Alternative Technologies 45 -- 3.1 Introduction 45 -- 3.2 The Interconnection Concept 46 -- 3.3 The Unbundling Concept 49 -- 3.4 The "Churn" Problem 56 -- 3.5 Colocation Status in Europe and in North America 58 -- 3.6 Alternative Technologies for the Local Loop 60 -- 3.7 Cable Networks 63.
3.8 PLC 75 -- 3.9 Conclusion and Perspectives 76 -- References 77 -- Selected Bibliography 77 -- 4 Twisted Pair Electrical Characteristics 79 -- 4.1 Introduction 79 -- 4.2 Electrical Characteristics of a Copper Pair 80 -- 4.3 Shannon's Capacity of a Twisted Copper Pair 86 -- 4.4 Electrical Characteristics of a Subscriber Line 88 -- 4.5 Impact of NEXT on Shannon's Capacity 100 -- 4.6 Conclusion and Perspectives 101 -- References 102 -- Selected Bibliography 103 -- 5 HDSL and Its Variants 105 -- 5.1 Introduction 105 -- 5.2 HDSL Modems 106 -- 5.3 HDSL Framing 115 -- 5.4 HDSL Variants 119.
7.2 G.lite 193 -- 7.3 VDSL 203 -- 7.4 Conclusion and Perspectives 224 -- References 225 -- 8 DSLAM and Home Network 227 -- 8.1 Introduction 227 -- 8.2 DSLAM 228 -- 8.3 Home Networking 231 -- 8.4 Conclusion and Perspectives 242 -- References 243 -- Selected Bibliography 243 -- 9 Protocol Architecture 245 -- 9.1 Introduction 245 -- 9.2 Why the ATM Technique in the Local Loop? 245 -- 9.3 Physical Layer ADSL Data Formatting 246 -- 9.4 The PPP Protocol 252 -- 9.5 NAS Servers and the RADIUS Protocol 256 -- 9.6 The L2TP Protocol 258 -- 9.7 ATM-Based ADSL Protocol Architectures 266.
If you are a an engineer working for a telecommunications carrier or Internet service provider, or a manufacturer or student interested in communication technology and digital communications, this comprehensive overview of broadband access technologies is essential reading for you. The book offers you an in-depth understanding of unbundling for voice and data services, and provides expert guidance on hardware considerations and critical communication protocols.
Broadband local loops for high-speed Internet access.
Boucles d'accès hauts débits.
Broadband communication systems.
Internetworking (Telecommunication)
Local area networks (Computer networks)
Broadband communication systems.
COMPUTERS-- Data Transmission Systems-- Broadband.
COMPUTERS-- Data Transmission Systems-- Wireless.
COMPUTERS-- Networking-- Local Area Networks (LANs)