Evolutionary implications of altered perspectives on hominine demes and populations in the later Pleistocene of western Eurasia -- Chronological and biogeographic perspectives on later human evolution -- The chronology of the Middle Paleolithic of the Levant -- Progress in ESR and U-series chronology of the Levantine Paleolithic -- GIF laboratory dates for Middle Paleolithic Levant -- The faunal sequence of the Southwest Asian Middle Paleolithic in relation to hominid dispersal events -- The earliest Paleolithic occupation in Syria -- Site formation processes in Kebara and Hayonim Caves and their significance in Levantine prehistoric caves -- Intrasite spatial patterns and behavioral modernity : indications from the Late Levantine Mousterian rockshelter of Tor Faraj, southern Jordan -- The lithic assemblages of Amud Cave : implications for understanding the end of the Mousterian in the Levant -- Hayonim Cave lithic assemblages in the context of the Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic : a preliminary report -- Bitumen as hafting material on Middle Paleolithic artifacts from the El Kowm Basin, Syria -- The technological abilities of the Levantine Mousterians : cultural and mental capacities -- The role of hunting and scavenging in Neandertal procurement strategies : new evidence from Kebara Cave (Israel) -- Pleistocene species trends at Hayonim Cave : changes in climate versus human behavior -- Neandertal and early modern human mobility patterns : comparing archaeological and anatomical evidence -- Prospects for stable isotopic analysis of Later Pleistocene hominid diets in West Asia and Europe -- Climatic changes, paleogeography, and the evolution of the Neandertals -- Sapiens and Neandertals : rethinking the Levantine Middle Paleolithic hominids -- Anatomy of the Neandertal infant skeleton from Dederiyeh Cave, Syria -- The search for the earliest modern Europeans : a comparison of the es-Skhul 1 and Krapina 1 juveniles -- Does any Mousterian cave present evidence of two hominid species? -- Morphological variation in West Asian postcrania : implications for obstetric and locomotor behavior -- Ontogenetic variation in Late Pleistocene Homo sapiens from the Near East : implications for methodological bias in reconstructing evolutionary biology -- Upper limb versus lower limb loading patterns among Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic hominids --A reassessment of the Tabun C2 mandible -- The evolution of culture : a comparative perspective -- Domestic fire as evidence for language -- A comparative perspective on Paleolithic cultural patterns -- The Middle and the Early Upper Paleolithic around the Black Sea -- Turkey as a key -- The impact of climatic changes on the demography of Late Neandertal and early anatomically modern populations in Europe -- Why anatomically modern people did not disperse from Africa 100,000 years ago -- Afterword.
These collected papers gather the most up-to-date archaeological discoveries of Western Asia - a region that is often overshadowed by African or European findings.