Biological diversity / Malcolm Hunter -- Principles of ecological forestry / Robert Seymour, Malcolm Hunter -- Species composition / Brian Palik, R. Todd Engstrom -- Dynamic forest mosaics / Tom Spies, Monica Turner -- Abiotic factors / Andrew Hansen, Jay Rotella -- Forest edges / Glenn Matlack, John Litvaitis -- Islands and fragments / Yrjö Haila -- Riparian forests / Mark Brinson, Jos Verhoeven -- Forested wetlands / Aram Calhoun -- Dying, dead, and down trees / William McComb, David Lindenmayer -- Vertical structure / Nicholas Brokaw, Richard Lent -- Plantation forestry / Susan E. Moore, H. Lee Allen -- Special species / Ian Thompson, Per Angelstam -- Genetic diversity / Constance Millar -- Restoration ecology / Lee Frelich, Klaus Puettmann -- Forest reserves / David Norton -- Forest organization, management, and policy / Chadwick Oliver, Melih Boydak, Gerardo Segura [and others] -- The economic perspective / Bruce Lippke, Joshua Bishop -- Social perspectives / Lynn Maguire.
Focusing on how biodiversity can be maintained in forested ecosystems, particularly in those forests that are subject to timber harvesting, this book includes consideration of socio-economic and policy perspectives.
Schuetz, Alb.
Ecosystem management.
Forest biodiversity conservation.
Forest ecology.
Forest management.
Conservation of Natural Resources.
Ecosystem management.
Forest ecology.
Forest management.
Natural resources conservation.
Resource management.
Biodiversité-- Conservation.
Écologie forestière.
Écosystèmes-- Gestion.
Forêts-- Conservation.
Forêts-- Gestion.
Diversité biologique-- Conservation des ressources.