Foreword; Preface and Acknowledgments; Part 1: The Berlin Airlift, 1948; Part 2: Korea, 1950; Part 3: Strategic Reconnaissance; Part 4: Vietnam, 1965; The Magic of Flying: Concluding Thoughts; Glossary; Bibliography; Interviews, Letters, and Tapes; Index.
Until now, no book has covered all of Cold War air combat in the words of the men who waged it. In I Always Wanted to Fly, retired United States Air Force Colonel Wolfgang W.E. Samuel has gathered first-person memories from heroes of the cockpits and airstrips. Battling in dogfights when jets were novelties, saving lives in grueling airlifts, or flying dangerous reconnaissance missions deep into Soviet and Chinese airspace, these flyers waged America's longest and most secretively conducted air war. Many of the pilots Samuel interviewed invoke the same sentiment when asked why they risked th.