Educational resources for nonprofit and public management
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Bequest, In Memoriam and Tribute Giving -- Planned Giving / Matthew J. Beem, Adrian Sargeant -- Corporate Giving and Fundraising / Dwight F. Burlingame and Adrian Sargeant -- Grant Fundraising -- Managing Fundraising Volunteers / Walter Wymer, Adrian Sargeant -- Events Fundraising -- Women and Philanthropy / Debra J. Mesch, Andrea Pactor -- Public Trust and Confidence -- The Social Role of Fundraising / Richard B. Gunderman.
Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector -- The Development of a Profession / Eugene R. Tempel and Sarah K Nathan -- Ethical Fundraising -- Ethical Fundraising -- Social Influences on Giving -- Fundraising Planning: The Fundraising Audit -- Fundraising Planning -- The Case For Support / Timothy L. Seiler, Eva E. Aldrich -- Assessing Fundraising Performance -- Direct Response Fundraising -- Fundraising Online: Techniques and Tools / Ted Hart, Adrian Sargeant -- Donor Retention and Development -- Major Gift Fundraising / Robert F. Hartsook, Adrian Sargeant.
From leading fundraising professor Sargeant with contributions from top scholars, this definitive text provides nonprofit professionals, professors, and students with access to the most relevant theories on the vital topic of fundraising. The book contains clear learning objectives, recommended readings, case studies, and much more.
John Wiley & Sons Inc, Order Processing Dept 432 Elizabeth Ave, Somerset, NJ, USA, 08873
Fund raising.
Nonprofit organizations-- Finance.
Nonprofit organizations-- Marketing.
collecte de fonds-- organisation à but non lucratif, manuel.
don-- organisation à but non lucratif, manuel.
financement-- organisation à but non lucratif, manuel.