Cover title: Introduction to government & binding theory.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 673-690) and index.
Introduction: The Chomskian Perspective on Language Study -- 1. The Lexicon and Sentence Structure -- 2. Phrase Structure -- 3. Case Theory -- 4. Anaphoric Relations and Overt NPs -- 5. Non-Overt Categories: Pro and Control -- 6. Transformations: NP-Movement -- 7. WH-Movement -- 8. An Inventory of Empty Categories -- 9. Logical Form -- 10. Barriers -- 11. Functional Heads and Head Movement -- 12. Relativized Minimality.
Introduction to government & binding theory
Government-binding theory (Linguistics)
Théorie du liage et du gouvernement (Linguistique)
Government-binding theory (Linguistics)
Regeer- en bindtheorie.
Théorie du liage et du gouvernement (linguistique)