pt. 1. The story. Who are "they" anyway? -- pt. 2: From parable to practice. Quiz : Do people in your organization exercise initiative and take responsibility? -- How can I change other people who are "professional victims" ... always blaming others? -- Imagine a workplace where there is no "they" -- Quiz : How accountable and responsible are you? -- What do I gain by taking initiative and assuming responsibility? -- Accountability : What's in a word? -- Are You a whiner or a winner? -- Victim no more! -- What if I want to change? -- Focus on what you can do, not on what you can't do -- Turn your problem into a goal by asking "What do I want?" -- Four stages in changing your outlook, attitude, and/or behavior -- Sometimes, the little things can make a big difference -- The most important words of personal responsibility -- pt. 3. Additional resources for building a culture of accountability in your organization.
A charming workplace parable to inspire your staff to achieve success through greater personal accountability. Who those "theys" are who seem responsible for every organization's bureaucratic hassles, how to stop looking for someone to blame or someone to come to the rescue, how to experience the job satisfaction and personal pleasure that comes from taking ownership and solving problems. Includes tips, strategies, quizzes, and how-tos to help readers apply the story in their own work lives. It is a message of encouragement and empowerment, and the personal and organizational payoff can be enormous.