What is a virus? Towards a definition of a virus ; Some methods for studying animal viruses ; The structure of virus particles ; Classification of viruses -- Virus growth in cells. The process of infection, I : attachment of viruses and the entry of their genomes into the target cell ; The process of infection, IIA : the replication of viral DNA ; The process of infection, IIB : genome replication in RNA viruses ; The process of infection, IIC : the replication of RNA viruses with a DNA intermediate and vice versa ; The process of infection, IIIA : gene expression in DNA viruses and reverse-transcribing viruses ; The process of infection, IIIB : gene expression and its regulation in RNA viruses ; The process of infection, IV : the assembly of viruses -- Virus interactions with the whole organism. The immune system and virus neutralization ; Interactions between animal viruses and cells ; Animal virus-host interactions ; Mechanisms in virus latency ; Transmission of viruses ; The evolution of viruses -- Viruses and disease. Human viral disease : an overview ; HIV and AIDS ; Carcinogenesis and tumor viruses ; Vaccines and antivirals : the prevention and treatment of virus diseases ; Prion diseases ; Horizons in human virology.
Providing an integrated account of the subject across different host systems, with an emphasis on human and animal viruses, this book covers the field of virology from molecular biology to disease processes using a systems approach. Featuring full color illustrations, the new edition has been updated throughout, and reorganized into thematic sections on the fundamental nature of viruses, their growth in cells, their interactions with the host organism, and their role as agents of human disease. There is a new chapter on human viral disease, and rapidly developing areas, such as the use of viruses as gene therapy vectors, have been included.