Complementary and alternative medicine in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease: an introduction / Richard A. Stein and Mehmet C. Oz -- History, regulation, integrity, and purity of herbs and supplements / Robert S. McCaleb and Fredi Kronenberg -- Botanical medicine and cardiovascular disease / Tieraona Low Dog -- Herb and dietary supplement interactions with cardiovascular drugs / Dennis V.C. Awang -- Vitamin therapy for cardiovascular disease / Wahida Karmally -- Oils and fats in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease / Penny M. Kris-Etherton [and others] -- Nutrachemicals in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease / Arshad M. Safi, Cynthia A. Samala, and Richard A. Stein -- Meditation and cardiovascular disease / Erin L. Olivo.
Prayer and cardiovascular disease / Jonathan E.E. Yager, Suzanne W. Crater, and Mitchell W. Krucoff -- Massage therapy and cardiovascular disease / Patricia Cadolino -- Acupuncture in cardiovascular disease / Soeren Ballegaard -- Chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease / Steven C. Halbert -- Energy medicine, energy therapies, and cardiovascular disease / Glen Rein and Maria Syldona -- Homeopathy and cardiovascular disease / Woodson C. Merrell and Amy Rothenberg -- Aromatherapy and cardiovascular disease / Jane Buckle -- A physician's guide to CAM and cardiovascular disease on the World Wide Web / Jacqueline C. Wootton.
Summarizes the facts about complementary cardiovascular medications. Explains the background for each alternative therapy, its rationale, the evidence supporting its use, and possible interaction with standard medicines. Discusses herbs, supplements, and more.
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Complementary and alternative cardiovascular medicine.
Cardiovascular system-- Diseases-- Alternative treatment.