Relational Form. Contemporary artistic practice and its cultural plan -- Artwork as social interstice -- Relational Aesthetics and Random Materialism -- Form and others' gaze -- Art of the 1990s. Participation and transitivity -- Typology : Connections and meetings ; Convivialities and encounters ; Collaborations and contracts ; Professional relations : clienteles ; How to occupy a gallery -- Space-Time Exchange Factors. Artworks and exchanges -- The subject of the artwork -- Space-time factors in 1990s' art -- Joint Presence and Availability : The Theoretical Legacy of Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Homosexuality as a paradigm of cohabitation -- Contemporary forms of the monument -- The criterion of co-existence (works and individuals) -- The aura of artworks has shifted towards their public -- Beauty as a solution? -- Screen Relations. Today's art and its technological models -- Art and goods : The law of relocation ; Technology as an ideological model (from trace to programme) -- The camera and the exhibition : The exhibition-set ; Extras -- Post VCR art : Rewind/play/fast forward ; Towards a democratisation of viewpoints? -- Towards a Policy of Forms. Cohabitations : notes on some possible extensions of a relational aesthetics : Visual systems ; The image is a moment ; What artists show ; The boundaries of individual subjectivity ; The engineering of intersubjectivity ; An art with no effect? ; The political development of forms ; Rehabilitating experimentation ; Relational aesthetics and constructed situations -- The Aesthetic Paradigm (Félix Guattari and art) -- Subjectivity pursued and produced : De-naturalising subjectivity ; Status and operation of subjectivity ; Subjectivization units -- The aesthetic paradigm : The critique of scientistic paradigm ; Ritournelle, symptom and work ; The work of art as partial object ; For an artistic-ecosophical practice ; The behavioural economy of present-day art.
"Where does our current obsession for interactivity stem from? After the consumer society and the communication era, does art still contribute to the emergence of a rational society? Bourriaud attempts to renew our approach toward contemporary art by getting as close as possible to the artists works, and by revealing the principles that structure their thoughts: an aesthetic of the inter-human, of the encounter; of proximity, of resisting social formatting"--Jacket.