sustainable for all in a changing world : IFIP Technical Committee 3 (Education), Lifelong Learning Working Track in the IFIP conference, E-training practices for professional organisations, Pori, Finland, 7-11 July 2003 /
Cover -- Table of Contents -- IFIP TC 3 Taskforce "Lifelong Learning" -- Contributing Authors -- Preface -- Foreword -- Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age FOCUS GROUP REPORT -- Keynote: New Higher Education for Lifelong Learning -- Examples and Advantages of Continuous Education by Means of Videoconference Technologies -- Developing ICT-Rich Lifelong Learning Opportunities Through EU-Projects DECTUG CASE STUDY 1997-2003 -- A Holistic and Strategic Approach to Support and Promote Lifelong Learning, Networking Activities and Regional Learning -- Schools as Lifelong Learning Institutions and the Role of Information Technology -- Distance Education and Lifelong Learning A BRAZILIAN TIME-HONORED STUDY CASE APPROACH -- Evaluating Electronic Learning Environments from a Lifelong Learning Perspective -- Training the Educational Manager LIFELONG LEARNING IN PRACTICE -- Regional Knowledge Networks for Lifelong Learning -- Community Based Learning DEVELOPING THE INTERFACE BETWEEN FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES -- Towards an Organisational Model of 'Interface' University Structure as a Means of Serving Lifelong Learning Needs -- Creating E-Confidence in Schools -- IFIP TC3 Lifelong Learning Position Paper IFIP TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 3 TASKFORCE ON LIFELONG LEARNING -- Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education -- Educational Innovation & ICT GIVING DIRECTION TO POLICY AT THE UNIVERSITY FOR PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION UTRECHT.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the issues involved in Lifelong Learning supported by Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In this overview, the following issues are discussed: -Changing environments, -What is Lifelong Learning? -Who are the learners? -Characteristics of learning environments, -Sustainability of learning environments, -Learning communities, -Role of educational institutions, -Role of ICT. Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age contains reviewed papers by invited authors, as well as a comprehensive report with resource materials produced by a Focus Group of invited participants in the Lifelong Learning Working Track at the e-Train conference, "E-Training Practices for Professional Organizations". The conference was sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), Technical Committee 3 (Education), and was held in Pori, Finland in July 2003. Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age will help both decision makers and educational designers to deal with the issues connected with Lifelong Learning. Solutions will have to be unique for each culture and each country, but this book will certainly inform and should considerably assist decision-making and problem resolution.