Ch. 1. Density functional theory. 1. Introduction. 2. What is density functional theory? 3. Kohn-Sham theory. 4. Numerical methods for the Kohn-Sham equation. 5. Some applications and limitations of DFT. 6. Limitations of DFT. 7. Time-dependent density functional theory: the equations. 8. TDDFT: numerical aspects. 9. Applications of TDDFT -- ch. 2. Microscopic description of quantum liquids. 1. Introduction. 2. Microscopic description. 3. Hypernetted-chain equations. 4. Minimization of the energy: optimal two-body correlation functions. 5. Low excited states. 6. A [symbol]He impurity in liquid [symbol]He. 7. Variational description of Fermi systems. 8. Summary. 9. Acknowledgments -- ch. 3. The coupled cluster method and its applications. 1. Introduction. 2. The coupled cluster formalism. 3. Approximation schemes. 4. Applications to light nuclei. 5. Helium droplets -- ch. 4. Experiments with a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate. 1. Introduction. 2. Micromotion. 3. BEC in 1D optical lattice. 4. Condensate photoionization. 5. Conclusions and acknowledgments -- ch. 5. Theoretical aspects of Bose-Einstein condensation. 1. Bosons and condensation. 2. BEC in [symbol]He. 3. BEC in dilute systems. 4. Conclusions. 5. Acknowledgments -- ch. 6. Elementary excitations and dynamic structure of quantum fluids. 1. Introduction. 2. Ground state of a quantum Bose fluid. 3. Equation of motion method. 4. Solving the continuity equations. 5. CBF-approximation. 6. The full solution. 7. Dynamics of a single impurity. 8. Summary -- ch. 7. Theory of correlated basis functions. 1. Introduction. 2. Basics of CBF theory. 3. Techniques for matrix elements. 4. Interpretation of effective interactions. 5. Infinite order CBF theory. 6. Dynamics in correlated basis functions -- ch. 8. The magnetic susceptibility of liquid [symbol]he. 1. Introduction. 2. The susceptibility of bulk liquid [symbol]He. 3. Liquid [symbol]He confined in aerogel. 4. Two-dimensional liquid 3He. 5. Conclusions. 6. Acknowledgements -- ch. 9. The hyperspherical harmonic method: a review and some recent developments. 1. Introduction. 2. Microscopic systems. 3. Jacobi coordinates. 4. Hyperspherical coordinates. 5. Hyperspherical functions. 6. The coupled equations. 7. The hyperspherical harmonic expansion in momentum space. 8. Results for the A = 3, 4 nuclei with the hyperspherical harmonic expansion. 9. Modified hyperspherical harmonic expansions. 10. Variational calculations for three- and four-nucleon scattering processes. 11. Electro-weak reaction on few-nucleon systems. 12. Conclusions -- ch. 10. The nuclear many-body problem. 1. Introduction. 2. The Hamiltonian. 3. The AFDMC method. 4. AFDMC applications to nucleon matter. 5. Outlook and Conclusions.
This invaluable book contains pedagogical articles on the dominant nonstochastic methods of microscopic many-body theories - the methods of density functional theory, coupled cluster theory, and correlated basis functions - in their widest sense. Other articles introduce students to applications of these methods in front-line research, such as Bose-Einstein condensates, the nuclear many-body problem, and the dynamics of quantum liquids. These keynote articles are supplemented by experimental reviews on intimately connected topics that are of current relevance. The book addresses the striking lack of pedagogical reference literature in the field that allows researchers to acquire the requisite physical insight and technical skills. It should, therefore, provide useful reference material for a broad range of theoretical physicists in condensed-matter and nuclear theory.
Introduction to modern methods of quantum many-body theory and their applications.
Many-body problem, Congresses.
Many-body problem.
SCIENCE-- Waves & Wave Mechanics.
SCI-- 067000
Fabrocini, A.
Fantoni, S., (Stefano)
Krotscheck, Eckhard.
European Summer School on Microscopic Many-Body Theories and their Applications(2nd :2001 :, Miramare, Italy)