Part 1 -- Cosmetics and skin -- Cosmetics and hair and nails -- Color and cosmetic color materials -- Cosmetics and fragrances -- Raw materials of cosmetics -- Cosmetics and pharmaceutical agents -- Cosmetics and physical chemistry -- Stability of cosmetics -- Preservation of cosmetics -- Safety of cosmetics -- Usefulness of cosmetics -- Cosmetics and containers -- Aerosol technology in cosmetics -- Analytical chemistry of cosmetics -- Cosmetic manufacturing equipment -- Regulations on cosmetics -- Cosmetics and information -- Part II -- Skin care cosmetics -- Makeup cosmetics -- Hair care cosmetics -- Fragrance products -- Body cosmetics -- Oral care cosmetics.
Cosmetic science covers the fields from natural sciences to human and social sciences, and is an important interdisciplinary element in various scientific disciples. New Cosmetic Science is a completely updated comprehensive review of its 35 year old counterpart Cosmetic Science. New Cosmetic Science has been written to give as many people as possible a better understanding of the subject, from scientists and technologists specializing in cosmetic research and manufacturing, to students of cosmetic science, and people with a wide range of interests concerning cosmetics. The relationship between the various disciplines comprising cosmetic science, and cosmetics, is described in Part I. In addition to discussing the safety of cosmetics, the "Usefulness of Cosmetics", rapidly becoming an important theme, is described using research examples. The latest findings on cosmetic stability are presented, as are databases, books and magazines, increasingly used by cosmetic scientists. Part II deals with cosmetics from a usage viewpoint, including skin care cosmetics, makeup cosmetics, hair care cosmetics, fragrances, body cosmetics, and oral care cosmetics. Oral care cosmetics and body cosmetics are presented with product performance, types, main components, prescriptions and manufacturing methods described for each item. This excellent volume enlightens the reader not only on current cosmetics and usage, but indicates future progress enlarging the beneficial effects of cosmetics. Products with better pharmaceutical properties (cosmeceuticals), working both physically and psychologically, are also highlighted.
Elsevier Science & Technology
New cosmetic science.
Shin keshōhingaku.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Chemical & Biochemical.