Cover -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter 1 Why Theory63; -- Chapter 2 Why Gender63; Why Development63; -- Chapter 3 Feminism and Development58; Theoretical Perspectives -- Chapter 4 Feminist Theory and Development58; Implications for Policy44; Research44; and Action -- Chapter 5 Alternative Approaches to Women and Development -- Chapter 6 The Women39;s Movement and Its Role in Development -- Appendix 1 Key Concepts -- Appendix 2 Acronyms and Abbreviations -- Appendix 3 Contributing Authors -- Last Page.
Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development demystifies the theory of gender and development and shows how it plays an important role in everyday life. It explores the evolution of gender and development theory, introduces competing theoretical frameworks, and examines new and emerging debates. The focus is on the implications of theory for policy and practice, and the need to theorize gender and development to create a more egalitarian society. This book is intended for classroom and workshop use in the fields of development studies, development theory, gender and development, and wome.
Theoretical perspectives on gender and development.