"Her writing gave me a shock" : introduction -- "The necessity of noticing the delicate indications of criticism" : Ferenczi, Freud and Kleins encounter with psychoanalysis -- "How ships get on to the Danube" : the development of a child -- "Not simply a case of uninhibited gratification" : the first child patients -- "Figures wholly divorced from reality" : the departure from Freud -- "And who would doubt this?" : early objective love, psychical defences and dissociation processes -- "Loss of the loved object" : ambivalence and depressive states -- "Loss of the loved object" : tragedy and morality in the depressive position -- "This unreal reality" : Klein's concept of phantasy -- "A kind of detached hostility" : the paranoid-schizoid position -- "Falling to pieces or splitting itself" : projective identification, unintegrated states and splitting processes -- "So unattainable" : two accounts of envy -- "An unsatisfied longing for an understanding without words" : loneliness.
Melanie Klein remains one of the most important and influential figures in psychoanalysis. Klein pioneered the analysis of children and applied her insights on the infantile origins of unconscious drives to adult analysis. Meira Likierman's study is the best available introduction to Melanie Klein's thought and work.
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