Includes bibliographical references (pages 191-194) and index.
It's elemental, my dear Watson. What is XML? -- Markup minihistory : prelude to XML? -- Picking up the pieces: Extensible markup syntax ; Markup and XML ; Types of markup ; Elements and structure ; Elements ; Attributes ; Empty elements ; Mixed content ; Entities ; Comments ; Character data sections ; White space ; Character encoding ; The XML declaration ; Processing instructions ; Well-formed documents ; Putting it all together -- All in the family: Valid documents ; Document type definitions ; XML-based schemas ; Namespaces ; Stylesheets ; XHTML ; Browsers and viewing ; X whatever -- Libraries strategic opportunity: Generic aspects of XML -- "The nice thing about standards ... ". Getting started -- What's in a name(space)? -- I need some (XML) validation! : DTDs (Document Type Definitions) ; XML schemas (W3C) ; Relax NG schemas -- Where do I go from here?: Xpath ; Xlink ; Xpointer -- Doing it with style(sheets): Getting started ; XSLT stylesheets ; XSL FO stylesheets ; CSS stylesheets -- In the scheme of things. Schema development: The development process step-by-step -- Library information in context: Open content ; Open libraries? ; Think globally, act locally -- Bibliographic and authority records: MARC : the ultimate crazy quilt? ; AACR : fixity versus fluidity? ; XOBIS : simplicity without sacrifice? -- XML tools : what do you want to do today? Open source solutions -- XML editors : mark it up!: Simple text editors ; Jedit ; XMLOperator ; Bit Flux editor ; XML eXchaNGeR (XNGR) -- XML transformers : the changing face of XML: Saxon ; Cocoon and Xalan ; Kawa and Qexo -- XML browsers : not just another pretty face: Mozilla ; Amaya --Conclusion -- The future is now : trends and possibilities. Trends and future standards: Xinclude ; Xforms ; Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) ; Docbook ; VoiceXML ; OpenOffice, AbiWord, and Microsoft Office -- XML possibilities: Transitional e-journals list ; Updating MARC with MARCUTL ; Maintaining PubMed LinkOuts ; MARC to XOBIS in 2003 and beyond.