Front Cover; Vitamins and Hormones: Advances in Research and Applications; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume 41; Preface; Robert Samuel Harris (1904-1983); Chapter 1. Brain Peptides; I. Introduction; II. Methods for Delineation and Study of Brain Peptides; III. Evolution and Brain Peptides; IV. Ontogeny of Peptidergic Expression in Neural Tissues; V. Biosynthesis of Neuropeptides; VI. Proteolytic Processing and Degradation of Peptides; VII. Peptide Distribution; VIII. Functions of Brain Peptides; IX. Possible Therapeutic Implications of Brain Peptides; X. Conclusion; References.
AddendumChapter 2. Intracellular Mediators of Insulin Action; I. Introduction; II. Subcellular Systems; III. Whole Cell and Tissue Studies; IV. Number of Mediators; V. Insulin-Sensitive Enzymes; VI. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Mediator; VII. Conclusion; References; Chapter 3. Relaxin; I. Introduction; II. Relaxin Genes; III. Relaxin Covalent Structure; IV. Synthetic Relaxin; V. Mechanism of Action of Relaxin; VI. Relaxin Receptors; VII. Medical and Physiological Perspectives; References; Chapter 4. Activation of Plasma Membrane Phosphatidylinositol Turnover by Hormones.
Chapter 6. Affinity Labeling of Receptors for Steroid and Thyroid HormonesI. Introduction; II. Strategies in Covalent Attachment; III. Affinity Labeling Studies on Receptor Properties and Mechanism of Action; IV. Affinity Labeling Studies on Enzymes and Extracellular Binding Proteins; V. Conclusion; References; Index.
I. IntroductionII. Macrophages, Neutrophils, and Mast Cells; III. Brain Synaptosomes; IV. Hepatocytes; V. Adrenal Medulla; VI. Adrenal Glomerulosa Cells; VII. Adrenal Cortex; VIII. Platelets; IX. Blowfly Salivary Glands; X. Conclusion; References; Chapter 5. The Chemistry and Physiology of Erythropoietin; I. Introduction; II. Chemistry of Erythropoietin and Structure-Function Relationships; III. Purification of Erythropoietin; IV. Assays for Erythropoietin; V. Site of Erythropoietin Production; VI. Conclusions; References.