Introduction : is an "experimental" nation possible? -- Nations of writers -- Cities of writers -- Nabile farès, or how to become "minoritarian" -- Postcolonial nations : political or poetic allegories? (On Tahar Djaout's L'invention du désert) -- (Hi)stories of expatriation : virtual countries -- Multilingualism and national "traits" -- The cartography of the nation : Mouloud Feraoun's Le fils du pauvre revisited -- By way of a conclusion.
Jean-Paul Sartre's famous question, "For whom do we write?" strikes close to home for francophone writers from the Maghreb. Do these writers address their compatriots, many of whom are illiterate or read no French, or a broader audience beyond Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia? In Experimental Nations, Reda Bensmaia argues powerfully against the tendency to view their works not as literary creations worth considering for their innovative style or language but as "ethnographic" texts and to appraise them only against the "French literary canon." He casts fresh light on the original literary strateg.
Experimental nations, or, The invention of the Maghreb.
Nations expérimentales.
Experimental nations
Invention of the Maghreb
North African literature (French)-- History and criticism.
Littérature maghrébine (française)-- Histoire et critique.