Journal for the study of the Old Testament. Supplement series ;
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Abbreviations; List of Contributors; Introduction; Part I: TEXT-CENTERED READINGS OF JEREMIAH; Part II: READER-CENTERED READINGS OF JEREMIAH; Part III: THEOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTION; Part IV: RESPONSE; Index of References; Index of Authors.
Troubling Jeremiah presents essays by Jeremiah scholars who are troubled by the biblical book and give the scholarship on Jeremiah trouble in turn. Essays seek to move beyond the Duhm-Mowinckel source criticism of the book to address matters of metaphor, final form, intertextuality, and the relationship of the book to various audiences of readers. Taken together, the 24 essays in this volume press for an end to 'innocent' readings of Jeremiah inasmuch as current models prove inadequate for troubling the very Jeremiah they have already helped to reveal.
Troubling Jeremiah.
Bible., Jeremiah-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible., A.T., Jérémie-- Critique, interprétation, etc.