Mikhail Bakhtin as rhetorical theorist (1985) / Charles Schuster -- Bakhtin, Phaedrus, and the geometry of rhetoric (1988) / R. Allen Harris -- Bakhtin's rhetoric (1989) / Jon Klancher -- Hermeneutics and genre: Bakhtin and the problem of communicative interaction (1991) / Thomas Kent -- Feminism and Bakhtin: dialogic reading in the academy (1992) / Kay Halasek -- Mikhail Bakhtin: between phenomenology and Marxism (1994) / Michael Bernard-Donals -- Dialogic learning across disciplines (1994) / Marilyn Cooper -- Bakhtin and rhetorical criticism: a symposium (1992) / Kay Halasek [and others] -- Beginning writers: diverse voices and individual identity (1989) / Joy S. Ritchie -- Textual perspectives on collaborative learning: dialogic literacy and written texts in composition classrooms (1989) / Joseph J. Comprone -- A Bakhtinian exploration of factors affecting the collaborative writing of an executive letter of an annual report (1990) / Geoffrey A. Cross -- Liberal education, writing, and the dialogic self (1991) / Don H. Bialostosky -- A Baktinian reading of a student writing (1991) / Thomas Recchio -- Bakhtin and the dialogic writing class (1992) / Marilyn Middendorf -- One student's many voices: reading, writing, and responding with Bakhtin (1993) / Nancy Welch -- Waiting for answerability: Bakhtin and composition studies (1993) / Helen Rothschild Ewald.
Bakhtin, rhetoric, and writing
Bakhtin, M. M., (Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich),1895-1975.
Bakhtin, M. M., (Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich),1895-1975.
Bakhtine, Mikhail Mikhaïlovitch,(1895-1975)
English language-- Rhetoric-- Study and teaching.
Report writing-- Study and teaching (Higher)
Anglais (langue)-- Rhétorique-- Étude et enseignement.