European Network on Longitudinal Studies on Individual Development ;
Texts emanate from workshops organized by the European Network on Longitudinal Studies on Individual Development.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Statistical and conceptual models of 'turning points' in developmental processes / Andrew Pickles and Michael Rutter -- Qualitative analyses of individal differences in intraindividual change : examples from cognitive development / Eberhard Schröder, Wolfgang Edelstein and Siegfried Hoppe-Graff -- Application of correspondence analysis to a longitudinal study of cognitive development / Jacques Lautrey and Philippe Cibois -- Event-history models in social mobility research / Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Alfred Hamerle and Karl Ulrich Mayer -- Behavioral genetic concepts in longitudinal analyses / Nancy L. Pedersen -- Genetic and environmental factors in a developmental perspective / Peter C.M. Molenaar, Dorret I. Boomsma and Conor V. Dolan.
Structural equation models for studying intellectual development / Georg Rudinger, Johannes Andres and Christian Rietz -- Longitudinal studies for discrete data based on latent structure models / Erling B. Andersen -- Stability and change in patterns of extrinsic adjustment problems / Lars R. Bergman and David Magnusson.
Studying individual development : problems and methods / Lars R. Bergman, Gunnar Eklund and David Magnusson -- Modeling individual and average human growth data from childhood to adulthood / Roland C. Hauspie [and others] -- Intraindividual variability in older adults' depression scores : some implications for developmental theory and longitudinal research / John R. Nesselroade and David L. Featherman -- Now you see it, now you don't : some considerations on multiple regression / George W. Brown, Tirril O. Harris and Louise Lemyre -- Differential development of health in a life-span perspective / Leiv S. Bakketeig, Per Magnus and Jon Martin Sundet -- Assessing change in cohort-longitudinal study with hierarchical data / Dan Olweus and Françoise D. Alsaker.
Longitudinal research in human development requires more careful planning than do cross-sectional studies, and is demanding theoretically and organizationally. This volume focuses on methods of data treatment, emphasizing the importance of careful matching of methodology to the substantive problem under consideration. It deals particularly with concepts of stability and change which are central to personality and developmental research. The ultimate goal for developmental research is to understand and explain the developmental process underlying an individual's way of thinking, feeling, acting and reacting at any stage of the life process. Contributors to this volume explore the methodology and scope of life-span longitudinal studies in a variety of contexts, including intellectual and cognitive development, transitions such as that from childhood to early adult life, social mobility, behavioural genetics, and psychological disorder, particularly depression. Stressing the advantages of the prospective approach, and providing detailed analysis of the methodologies available, this volume is based on a workshop sponsored by the European Science Foundation. It will be of particular interest to social and behavioural scientists, and to research workers in such disciplines as psychology, psychiatry and epidemiology where longitudinal studies have an important place in the study of human development.
Developmental psychology-- Longitudinal studies.
Longitudinal method.
Psychology-- Research-- Methodology.
Human Development.
Longitudinal Studies.
Research Design.
pszichológia-- kutatásmódszertan
Méthode longitudinale, Congrès.
Psychologie du développement, Études longitudinales, Congrès.