Anthrax : a disease and a weapon / Kenneth Alibek, Catherine Lobanova and Serguei Popov -- Plague as a biological weapon / David T. Dennis -- Tularemia and bioterrorism / Lisa Hodges and Robert L. Penn -- Melioidosis and Glanders as possible biological weapons / David Allan Brett Dance -- Smallpox as a weapon for bioterrorism / J. Michael Lane -- Hemorrhagic Fever viruses as biological weapons / Allison Groseth [and others] -- Butulism as a potential agent of bioterrorism / Thomas P. Bleck -- Ricin : a possible, noninfectious biological weapon / Maor Maman and Yoav Yehezkelli -- Bioterrorism alert for health care workers / Theodore J. Cieslak, George W. Christopher and Edward M. Eitzen -- The economics of planning and preparing for bioterrorism / Martin I. Meltzer.
"Compiled by some of the leading experts in the field, Bioterrorism and Infectious Agents provides the specialist and trainee in microbiology, infectious disease, infection control, and epidemiology with a concise, timely, and authoritative review of some of the most problematic infections of the new century. This volume will foster a better understanding of the issues and new ideas for preventing and controlling infectious diseases."--Jacket.