Ch. 1. Financial sector assessments : overall framework and executive summary -- Ch. 2. Indicators of financial structure, development, and soundness -- Ch. 3. Assessing financial stabililty -- Ch. 4. Assessing financial structure and financial development -- Ch. 5. Evaluating financial sector supervision : banking, insurance, and securities markets -- Ch. 6. Assessing the supervision of other financial intermediaries -- Ch. 7. Rural and microfinance institutions : regulatory and supervisory issues -- Ch. 8. Assessing financial system integrity -- anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism -- Ch. 9. Assessing the legal infrastructure for financial systems -- Ch. 10. Assessing information and governance infrastructure -- Ch. 11. Assessing systemic liquidity infrastructure -- Ch. 12. Sequencing financial sector reforms -- App. A. Financial sector assessment program -- objectives, procedures, and overall framework -- App. B. Illustrative data questionnaires for comprehensive financial sector assessment -- App. C. Data sources for financial sector assessments -- App. D. Stress testing -- App. E. Benchmarking and decomposing interest rate spreads and margins -- App. F. Institutional structure of financial regulation and supervision -- App. G. Banking resolution and insolvency -- emerging world bank and international monetary fund guidelines -- App. H. Assessment of pension schemes from a financial sector perspective.
In the wake of the financial crises of the late 1990s, there was a surge of interest in the systematic assessment of financial sectors, with a view to identifying vulnerabilities and evaluating the sector's developmental needs. Consequently, there has been an increased demand from financial sector authorities in many countries for information on key issues and sound practices in the assessment of financial systems and the appropriate design of policy responses. In response, Financial Sector Assessmsnet presents a general analytical framework and broad guidance on approaches, methodologies and key techniques for assessing the stability and development needs of financial systems. It synthesizes current global sound practices in financial sector assessment.
The Handbook presents an overall analytical framework for assessing financial system stability and developmental needs, providing broad guidance on approaches, methodologies, and techniques of assessing financial systems. Although the Handbook draws substantially on World Bank and IMF experience with the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) and from the broader policy and operational work in both institutions, it is designed for generic use in financial sector assessments, whether conducted by country authorities themselves, or by World Bank and IMF teams.
Master and use copy. Digital master created according to Benchmark for Faithful Digital Reproductions of Monographs and Serials, Version 1. Digital Library Federation, December 2002.
Midwest Tape, LLC
Financial sector assessment.
Banque mondiale.
Fonds monétaire international.
Banks and banking-- State supervision.
Financial crises.
Financial services industry-- State supervision.
Insurance-- State supervision.
Risk assessment.
Securities industry-- State supervision.
Assurance-- Contrôle de l'État.
Banques-- Contrôle de l'État.
Crises financières.
Évaluation du risque.
Services financiers-- Contrôle de l'État.
Valeurs mobilières-- Industrie-- Contrôle de l'État.