Geb the Hunter -- The wagon or the mountain -- Troubles with time -- Wearers of the double crown -- Wars of religion? -- King Djoser's magician -- Good King Snefru -- The missing Queen -- Children of Re -- Despair and deliverance -- Binder of the two lands -- Invasion -- Liberation -- Hatshepsut the Queen -- The King of Upper and Lower Egypt -- The Hatshepsut problem -- The other Hatshepsut problem -- The conqueror -- Amenhotep II -- Amenhotep the Magnificent -- The great heresy -- Look on my works! -- Ramses II -- Peoples of the sea -- Adventures of a man of no consequence -- The quick and the dead -- Tomb robbers and royal mummies -- Mummy musical chairs -- The third intermediate period -- Horsemen from the holy mountain -- Back to the drawing board -- The final humiliation.
Archaeologist Mertz casts light on a remarkable civilization that, even after thousands of years, still stirs the human imagination and inspires awe with its marvelous mysteries and amazing accomplishments. This chronicle brings ancient Egypt to life, from the first Stone Age settlements through the reign of Cleopatra and the Roman invasions. Illustrated with pictures, maps, photographs, and charts, it offers glimpses into Egyptian society and everyday life; stories of the pharaohs and the rise and fall of great dynasties; religion and culture; folklore and fairy tales; stories of the explorers, scientists, and unmitigated scoundrels who sought to unravel or exploit the ageless mysteries; and insights into the magnificent architectural wonders that rose up from the desert sands.