3SST model: a three step spatio-temporal conceptual and relational data model -- An identity perspective for predicting software development project temporal success -- Survey of cardinality constraints in snapshot and temporal semantic data models -- On the load balancing of business intelligence reporting systems -- Information systems development: understanding user participation as a social network -- Solutions to challenges of teaching "systems analysis and design" for undergraduate software engineers -- Systems analysis and design in Polish universities curricula: structured or object-oriented -- Systems engineering modeling and design -- UML 2.0 in the modelling of the complex business processes of reporting and control of financial information system -- The UML 2 academic teaching challenge: an integrated approach -- User interface generation from the data schema -- Decision rule for investment in reusable code -- Web-based systems development: an empirically-grounded conceptual framework -- Configurable reference modeling languages -- Designing reputation and trust management systems -- SEACON: an integrated approach to the analysis and design of secure enterprise architecture-based computer networks -- Formal methods for specifying and analyzing complex software systems.
"This book is a collection of work representing leading research in the area of systems analysis and design practices and methodologies"--Provided by publisher.
Safari Books Online
Systems analysis and design for advanced modeling methods.
System analysis.
System design.
COMPUTERS-- Software Development & Engineering-- Systems Analysis & Design.