Translator's Preface; Author's Preface; 1. On the Tradition of Heraclitus; 2. Heraclitus Studies; 3. Ancient Atomic Theory; 4. Plato and Presocratic Cosmology; 5. Greek Philosophy and Modern Thought; 6. Natural Science and the Concept of Nature; Publication History; Index
In The Beginning of Knowledge, Gadamer reminds us that philosophy for the Greeks was not just a question of metaphysics and epistemology but encompassed cosmology, physics, mathematics, medicine, and the entire reach of theoretical curiosity and intellectual mastery. Whereas his book The Beginning of Philosophy dealt with the inception of philosophical inquiry, this new book brings together nearly all of GadamerÆs previously published but never translated essays on the Presocratics. Beginning with a hermeneutical and philological investigation of the Heraclitus fragments (1974 and 1990), he th.
Beginning of knowledge.
Anfang des Wissens.
Pre-Socratic philosophers.
PHILOSOPHY-- History & Surveys-- Ancient & Classical.