Introduction : taking Mediterranean tourists seriously / Pau Obrador Pons, Mike Crang and Penny Travlou -- Morocco : restaging colonialism for the masses / Claudio Minca and Rachele Borghi -- Banal tourism? Between cosmopolitanism and orientalism / Michael Haldrup -- The island that was not there : producing Corelli's island, staging Kefalonia / Mike Crang and Penny Travlou -- The Mediterranean pool : cultivating hospitality in the coastal hotel / Pau Obrador Pons -- 'De Veraneo en la Playa' : belonging and the familiar in Mediterranean mass tourism / Javier Caletrío -- Hosts and guests, guests and hosts : British residential tourism in the Costa del Sol / Karen O'Reilly -- Mobile practice and youth tourism / Dan Knox -- Corrupted seas : the Mediterranean in the age of mass mobility / Pau Obrador Pons, Mike Crang and Penny Travlou.
Cultures of Mass Tourism discusses how mass tourism has brought about new social and cultural formations that mix global, national and local influences and offers a series of insights into some of the key sites. It looks at the new forms and spaces created, as well as the social practices and materialities of mass tourism to provide an thorough analysis of the subject.
Cultures of mass tourism.
Culture and tourism-- Mediterranean Region.
Package tours-- Mediterranean Region.
Tourism-- Mediterranean Region-- Marketing.
Culture and tourism.
Economic history.
Package tours.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Cultural Policy.