Gauge fields, scalars, warped geometry, and strings / Eva Silverstein -- Fundamental strings as noncommutative solitons / Finn Larsen -- Vertex operators for the supermembrane and background field matrix theory / Jan Plefka -- RS braneworlds in Type IIB supergravity / K.S. Stelle -- Strings in AdS3 and the SL(2, R) WZW model / Hirosi Ooguri -- Supersymmetry in singular spaces and domain walls / Renata Kallosh -- Overview of K-theory applied to strings / Edward Witten -- N = 2 gauge-gravity duals / Joseph Polchinski -- The supergravity brane-world / James T. Liu -- The cosmological constant in brane world scenarios and string theory / S.P. de Alwis -- Asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes and their stress energy tensor / Kostas Skenderis -- Towards a supersymmetric non-abelian born-infeld theory / E.A. Bergshoeff, M. de Roo and A. Sevrin -- Complex gravity and noncommutative geometry / Ali H. Chamseddine -- Aspects of collapsing cycles / Brian R. Greene -- Locally localized gravity / Andreas Karch and Lisa Randall -- Covariant quantization of the superstring / Nathan Berkovits -- Vertex operators for AdS3 with Ramond background / Louise Dolan -- Supergravity description of field theories on curved manifolds and a no go theorem / Juan Maldacena and Carlos Nunez -- Black hole thermodynamics from calculations in strongly coupled gauge theory / Daniel Kabat, Gilad Lifschytz and David Lowe -- D-brane physics at low energies / I. Antoniadis -- D-branes in the background of NS fivebranes / Shmuel Elitzur [and others] -- Domain wall world(s) / M. Cvetic -- Light cone superstrings in AdS space / A.A. Tseytlin -- Cosmological breaking of supersymmetry? / T. Banks -- 1+1 dimensional NCOS and its U(N) gauge theory dual / Igor R. Klebanov and Juan Maldacena -- Some comments on branes, G-flux, and K-theory / Gregory Moore -- Space-time uncertainty and noncommutativity in string theory / Tamiaki Yoneya -- Nonabelian D-branes and noncommutative geometry / Robert Myers -- Stable non-BPS states and their holographic duals / Sunil Mukhi and Nemani V. Suryanarayana -- Representations of superconformal algebras in the AdS7/4/CFT6/3 correspondence / Sergio Ferrara and Emery Sokatchev -- The enhancon, multimonopoles and fuzzy geometry / Clifford V. Johnson -- M-theory duality and BPS-extended supergravity / Bernard de Wit -- Top ten problems in fundamental physics / M.J. Duff.
Superstring theory and its successor, M-theory, hold promises of a deeper understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics, the unification of the four fundamental forces, the quantum theory of gravity, the mysteries of quantum black holes, Big Bang cosmology and, ultimately, their complete synthesis in a final theory of physics. This volume records the proceedings of the major annual international conference on the subject, "Strings 2000", which involved 42 talks by the world's leading experts on string theory and M-theory. It will be of interest not only to researchers in the field but also to all those who wish to keep abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs in this exciting area of theoretical physics.
Strings MM, University of Michigan.
Strings 2000, University of Michigan
Michigan theory
Proceedings of the 2000 International Superstrings Conference, University of Michigan
String theories, Congresses.
Superstring theories, Congresses.
SCIENCE-- Physics-- Atomic & Molecular.
SCIENCE-- Physics-- Nuclear.
Superstring theories.
SCI-- 051000
SCI-- 074000
Duff, M. J.
Liu, James T.
Lu, Jianxin.
International Superstrings Conference(2000 :, University of Michigan)