Front cover; Foreword; Preface; Contents; Contributors; Chapter 1. Overview of Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging; Chapter 2. PET/microPET Imaging; Chapter 3. SPECT/microSPECT Imaging; Chapter 4. Imaging of Microvascular Systems with Micro-CT; Chapter 5. Targeted MRI; Chapter 6. Molecular and Cellular Imaging with Targeted Contrast Ultrasound; Chapter 7. Intravascular Radiation Detectors to Detect Vulnerable Atheroma in the Coronary Arteries; Chapter 8. Intravascular Ultrasound for Molecular Imaging; Chapter 9. Optical Coherence Tornography for Imaging the Vulnerable Plaque.
Based on a NIH symposium sponsored by the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, this is a guide to the targeted molecular imaging of the cardiovascular system. It covers methods for the analysis and management of cardiovascular pathophysiological processes, probe technologies to analyse cardiovascular receptors, and more.