Previous edition: published as by Audrey Pavia. New York: Wiley, 2003.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Chapter 15: Getting hoppy with your house rabbit -- Clubbing it -- Regional rabbit clubs -- Signing up with House Rabbit Society -- Kid-friendly groups -- Rescuing rabbits -- Being proactive -- Halfway there: fostering -- Rabbit hopping -- Getting up to speed (and height) -- Taking the plunge -- Putting on the sweatshirt: training -- Showing rabbits -- Considering pros and cons -- Attending your first show -- Taking the 4-H route -- No relation to the Swedish band: ARBA -- Chapter 16: Hitting the road with your rabbit -- Keeping him at home -- Preparing your pet sitter -- Going the professional pet-sitter route -- Boarding your bunny -- Traveling with your rabbit -- Travel dos -- Travel don'ts -- Packing a mean bag -- Carrier comfy -- Bunny you can drive my car -- Flying the unfriendly (for bunnies) skies -- Being a law-abiding bunny -- Staying at a five-carrot hotel -- Booking a reservation -- Being a good guest -- Part 5: Part Of Tens -- Chapter 17: Ten signs that require emergency action -- Blood in urine -- Diarrhea -- Excessive salivation -- Poisoning -- Heatstroke -- Labored breathing -- No stool -- Pain -- Injury -- Bleeding -- Broken bone -- Burns -- Paralysis -- Head tilt and seizures -- Sudden weakness -- Chapter 18: Ten great rabbit web sites -- www_arba_net -- www_binkybunny_com -- www_bio_miami_edu/hare/etherbun_html -- www_leithpetwerks_com -- www_myhouserabbit_com -- www_oxbowanimalhealth_com -- www_rabbit_org -- www_rabbitnetwork_org -- www_rainbowsbridge_com -- www_veterinarypartner_com -- Chapter 19: Ten ways to make your bunny's day -- Get fresh -- Take a peek -- Get fit -- Breathe some fresh air -- Check on health -- Make time for playtime -- Listen to your rabbit -- Schedule spa time -- Clean up -- Spend quality time -- Appendix: Rabbit resources -- Educational organizations -- Veterinary organizations -- Activity clubs -- Rabbit rescue groups -- Rabbit publications -- Rabbit specialty supply outlets -- Pet loss hotlines -- Travel guides -- Pet-sitting associations -- Pet-shipping options -- Rabbit registries -- National specialty breed clubs -- Index.
Chapter 6: Stocking up on carrots -- Supplying your bunny with belly timber -- Hay every day keeps the doctor away -- Going green -- Getting fruity -- Making the most of pellets -- Picking pellets -- Determining the correct amount of pellets -- Coping with a chubby bunny -- Giving your bunny treats -- Popping pills -- Forbidding foods -- Chapter 7: Cleaning behind those great big ears and more -- Stocking your grooming toolshed -- Handling with care -- Running down the grooming checklist -- Bypassing the bath -- Breaking out the brush -- Brushing short to medium coats -- Brushing long coats -- Clipping it not quite in the bud -- Cleaning your bunny's ears -- Chapter 8: Making fitness and fresh air fun for your bunny -- Fitness matters -- Keeping your rabbit fit -- Indoors -- Outdoors -- Motivating a lazy bunny -- Taking care of outdoor chores -- Rabbit-proofing your yard -- Keeping wolfie away -- Protecting your rabbit -- Protecting your yard -- Avoiding poisonous plants -- Plants for safe snacking -- Chapter 9: Nipping common health problems in the bud -- Finding Dr Doolittle -- Evaluating a vet -- Going for an exam -- Spay it, don't spray it -- Playing doctor -- Assembling a first-aid kit -- Identifying signs of pain -- Dealing with bunny ailments -- Gastrointestinal problems -- Urinary tract concerns -- Abscesses -- Dental disease -- Ear infections -- Heatstroke -- Head tilt -- Inflammation of the feet -- Obesity -- Paralysis and hind limb weakness -- Banning pesky parasites -- Intestinal parasites -- Ear mites -- Fur mites -- Fleas -- Flies -- Encephalitozoonosis -- Bayliscaris -- Chapter 10: Coping with other health woes and aging issues -- Treating infectious diseases -- Respiratory infections -- Ringworm -- Myxomatosis -- Tyzzer's disease -- Venereal disease -- Viral hemorrhagic disease -- Encephalitozoon cuniculi -- Caring for disabled and special needs rabbits -- Helping bunny live to a ripe, old age -- Saying goodbye -- Letting go: euthanasia -- Finding a place of rest -- Grieving is good for you -- Bonding with a new bunny -- Part 3: Rabbit Psychology: Behavior And Training -- Chapter 11: Thinking like a rabbit -- Making sense of body language -- Interpreting rabbit sounds -- Preying for safety -- Showing others who's boss -- Coexisting peacefully: ensuring a happy homecoming -- Gaining your rabbit's trust -- Meeting Fido and Fluffy -- Dogs -- Cats -- Combining children and rabbits -- Chapter 12: Putting boxing gloves on your rabbit: training -- Training your bunny the right way -- Giving a command performance -- Training with treats -- Here, Fluffy: coming when called -- Making like Van Halen: jumping -- Working on the abs: sitting up -- Cozying up in his cage: go in -- Taking a walk on the wild side -- Chapter 13: Reckoning with a bad bunny -- Just say "no!" -- Taming terrible teenagers -- Coping with aggressiveness -- Biting the hand that feeds you-literally -- Food aggression -- Dominance -- Self-defense -- Busting loose: kicking -- Boxing bunnies -- Chowing down -- Digging in -- Duking it out -- Pee marks the spot -- Barbering -- Shaking in his bunny boots: fearfulness -- Part 4: Enjoying Your Fun Bunny -- Chapter 14: Playing around isn't just for dogs -- Getting playful with toys -- Keeping safety first -- Going prefab -- Made from scratch -- Tag! You're it! Playing games -- Amusing themselves -- Making like The Pointer Sisters: jumping -- Tiny chariots of fire -- Various and sundry other hijinks.
Introduction -- About this book -- Conventions used in this book -- What you're not to read -- Foolish assumptions -- How this book is organized -- Part 1: Bringing On The Bunny Basics -- Part 2: Taking Care Of Creature Comforts -- Part 3: Rabbit Psychology: Behavior And Training -- Part 4: Enjoying Your Fun Bunny -- Part 5: Part Of Tens -- Appendix -- Icons used in this book -- Where to go from here -- Part 1: Bringing On The Bunny Basics -- Chapter 1: Jumping into rabbit ownership -- Admiring from afar -- Digesting this information (and that carrot) -- Taking advantage of skin and bones -- Taking a whiff -- Putting those ears to good use -- Figuring out whether a rabbit is right for you -- Asking yourself whether you're rabbit-ready -- Considering the right reasons to own a rabbit -- Knowing what you want in a furry friend -- Providing shelter -- Feeding your rabbit -- Grooming your rabbit -- Keeping up with chores -- Monitoring your rabbit's health -- Training your rabbit -- Thinking like a bunny -- Having a good time with your pet -- Chapter 2: Choosing the "right" rabbit -- Pinpointing the right age -- Deciding between a boy or girl -- Opting for an only rabbit or a bunny with a built-in companion -- Mixing it up: bunny mutts -- Rabbit coat types -- Head shape -- Size -- Living the high life: bunny bluebloods -- Purebred reasoning -- Different breeds, different looks -- Chapter 3: So many breeds, so little time -- American -- American fuzzy lop -- American sable -- Angora -- Belgian hare -- Beveren -- Britannia petite -- Californian -- Champagne d' Argent -- Checkered giant -- Chinchilla -- Cinnamon -- Creme d' Argent -- Dutch -- Dwarf hotot -- English spot -- Flemish giant -- Florida white -- Harlequin -- Havana -- Himalayan -- Hotot -- Jersey wooly -- Lilac -- Lop -- Mini rex -- Mini satin -- Netherland dwarf -- New Zealand -- Palomino -- Polish -- Rex -- Rhinelander -- Satin -- Silver -- Silver fox -- Silver Marten -- Tan -- Thrianta -- Chapter 4: Hiding in shelters, holes, and shops -- Donning your cape: rescuing a rabbit -- Presenting the problem -- Seeking the solution -- Saving a stray -- Considering breeders -- Getting a connection -- Checking out a breeder -- Calling the classifieds -- Taking precautions at pet shops -- Selecting the rabbit -- Watching for signs of an ill rabbit -- Keeping character in mind -- Part II: Taking Care Of Creature Comforts -- Chapter 5: Shacking up with an indoor rabbit -- Getting serious about safety -- Taking health concerns to heart -- Bonding with bunny -- Having fun with you bun -- Making sure that everyone's comfy: rabbit essentials -- Craving his cage -- Putting a pen to good use -- Rabbit-proofing your house -- Identifying trouble spots -- Chewing -- Digging -- When littering is good: the litter box -- Encouraging your bunny to go in her cage -- Providing 1_5 bathrooms -- Cleaning up -- Keeping a squeaky clean home -- Litter box cleaning -- Daily cage duty -- Weekly cage cleaning.
A practical guide to raising rabbits--from choosing a rabbit and preparing its home to feeding, grooming, and training.
Overview: Want to raise a happy, healthy bunny? This practical guide gives you everything you need to know to successfully adopt, nurture, live with, and love a rabbit. From choosing a rabbit and preparing its home to training, healthcare, and having fun with your bunny, you get a wealth of expert tips that will have your rabbit (and you) hopping with joy! Jump into bunny basics-decide whether a rabbit is the right pet for you, discover the different breeds, and find out the best places to adopt your bunny. Take care of creature comforts-from housing and grooming to feeding and healthcare, provide the best care for your friend. Practice bunny "psychology"--Understand bunny body language and sounds, handle behavior issues, and train your bunny to do tricks and use the litter box. Enjoy the wonderful world of rabbits-play games with your bunny, join clubs and organizations, show your rabbit, and make traveling with bunny easy. Open the book and find: Informative photos and illustrations; Detailed breed descriptions; How to think like a rabbit; Tips for handling bad bunny behavior; The latest on organic cuisine and homegrown feeding options; Games to play with your rabbit; How to live with an indoor bunny (which is recommended!); Ten signs that require emergency action; A bunch of bunny resources-from rescue groups to registries to Web sites.
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