Democracies in Development - Politics and Reform in Latin America.
Cambridge :
Harvard University Press [distributor]
April 2007 ;
1 online resource (332 pages) :
David Rockefeller/Inter-American Development Bank Ser.
Annotation The advance of democracy in Latin America over the past quarter century has contributed significantly to ensuring respect for fundamental political freedoms, civil liberties, and human rights. Democracies in Development highlights how an effective democracy is also essential for sustainable economic and social development. The book analyzes the effects of institutions on the functioning of democratic systems, identifies regional trends in political reform, assesses the value of reforms in contributing to enhanced democratic governance, and offers conclusions about the types of reforms that may hold promise for strengthening democracy. Appendices in the book's accompanying CD-ROM outline the institutional makeup of the region's democratic systems, examine voter turnout in presidential and legislative elections from 1978 to 2004, and present election results over the same period.
Democracies in Development : Politics and Reform in Latin America (Expanded and Updated Edition, 2007).