Includes bibliographical references (pages 200-213) and index.
1. What Is leadership communications? -- 2. Who are you ... and why are you talking to me? -- 3. Developing the leadership message -- 4. Leadership communications planning -- 5. Leading with e-communications -- 6. structuring the stand-up leadership presentation -- 7. Assessing your audience -- 8. Delivering the message -- 9. connecting with people beyond words -- 10. Coaching-one-to-one leadership communication -- 11. Making certain the message sticks -- 12. Leader as storyteller.
Great leadership begins with great communication. Who better to learn about great leadership from than the great leaders? John Baldoni has distilled the communication techniques of various great leaders into the key strategies and solutions readers will find in this text. For example, readers will learn about: developing the leadership message, from Rudy Giuliani; delivering the crucial information, from Katharine Graham; structuring the e-communication, from Peter Drucker; crafting the presentation, from Colin Powell; connecting beyond words, from Mother Theresa; and developing the leadership communications style, from Winston Churchill.; In addition to communication and presentation tactics, the author also focuses on the skills that are necessary primarily for business leaders. He emphasizes: communicating as an expert, a visionary, a coach and a transformer; developing and delivering your leadership message; the role of communications in shaping your leadership image; storytelling; and planning your leadership communications strategy.
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OverDrive, Inc.
Great communication secrets of great leaders.
Communication in management.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Business Communication-- General.