Includes bibliographical references (pages 426-433) and index.
1. Plasma diagnostics -- 1.1. Introduction -- 1.2. Plasma properties -- 1.3. Categories of diagnostics -- 2. Magnetic diagnostics -- 2.1. Magnetic field measurements -- 2.2. Magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium -- 2.3. Internal magnetic probe measurements -- 2.4. Fluctuations -- 3. Plasma particle flux -- 3.1. Preliminaries -- 3.2. Probes in collisionless plasmas without magnetic fields -- 3.3. The effects of a magnetic field -- 3.4. Applications -- 4. Refractive-index measurements -- 4.1. Electromagnetic waves in plasma -- 4.2. Measurement of electron density -- 4.3. Magnetic field measurement -- 4.4. Abel inversion -- 4.5. Reflectometry -- 5. Electromagnetic emission by free electrons -- 5.1. Radiation from an accelerated charge -- 5.2. Cyclotron radiation -- 5.3. Radiation from electron-ion encounters -- 6. Electromagnetic radiation from bound electrons -- 6.1. Radiative transitions: the Einstein coefficients -- 6.2. Types of equilibria -- 6.3. Rate coefficients for collisional processes -- 6.4. Line broadening -- 6.5. Applications -- 6.6. Active diagnostics -- 7. Scattering of electromagnetic radiation -- 7.1. Relativistic electron motion in electromagnetic fields -- 7.2. Incoherent Thomson scattering -- 7.3. Coherent scattering -- 7.4. Scattering when a magnetic field is present -- 8. Neutral atom diagnostics -- 8.1. Neutral particle analysis -- 8.2. Active probing with neutral particles -- 8.3. Charge-exchange spectroscopy -- 8.4. Emission from beam atoms -- 8.5. Other neutral particle diagnostics -- 9. Fast ions and fusion products -- 9.1. Neutron diagnostics -- 9.2. Charged particle diagnostics -- App. 1. Fourier analysis -- App. 2. Errors, fluctuations, and statistics -- App. 3. Survey of radiation technology -- App. 4. Definitions and identities of fundamental parameters -- App. 5. Atomic rates for beam diagnostics.
‡a This book provides a systematic introduction to the physics behind measurements on plasmas. It develops from first principles the concepts needed to plan, execute, and interpret plasma diagnostics. The book is therefore accessible to graduate students and professionals with little specific plasma physics background, but is also a valuable reference for seasoned plasma physicists. Most of the examples are taken from laboratory plasma research, but the focus on principles makes the treatment useful to all experimental and theoretical plasma physicists, including those interested in space and astrophysical applications. This second edition is thoroughly revised and updated, with new sections and chapters covering recent developments in the field. Specific areas of added coverage include neutral-beam-based diagnostics, flow measurement with mach probes, equilibrium of strongly shaped plasmas and fusion product diagnostics.