There is no first principle of criticism -- Dogma and doubt -- Wayward scepticism -- Doubts about self-consciousness -- Doubts about change -- Ultimate scepticism -- Nothing given exists -- Some authorities for this conclusion -- The discovery of essence -- Some uses of this discovery -- The watershed of criticism -- Identity and duration attributed to essences -- Belief in demonstration -- Essence and intuition -- Belief in experience -- Belief in the self -- The cognitive claims of memory -- Knowledge is faith mediated by symbols -- Belief in substance -- On some objections to belief in substance -- Sublimations of animal faith -- Belief in nature -- Evidences of animation in nature -- Literary psychology -- The implied being of truth -- Discernment of spirit -- Comparison with other criticisms of knowledge.
In Scepticism and Animal Faith, Santayana analyzes the nature of the knowing process and demonstrates by means of clear, powerful arguments how we know and what validates our knowledge. The central concept of his philosophy is found in a careful discrimination between the awareness of objects independent of our perception and the awareness of essences attributed to objects by our mind, or between what Santayana calls the realm of existents and the realm of subsistent.