developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Physical Chemistry at the 201st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlanta, Georgia, April 14-19, 1991 /
Isotope effects in gas-phase chemical reactions and photodissociation processes : overview / Jack A. Kaye -- Variational transition-state theory with multidimensional, semiclassical, ground-state transmission coefficients : applications to secondary deuterium kinetic isotope effects in reactions involving methane and chloromethane / Donald G. Truhlar, Da-hong Lu, Susan C. Tucker, Xin Gui Zhao, Angels Gonzalez-Lafont, Thanh N. Truong, David Maurice, Yi-Ping Liu, and Gillian C. Lynch -- HN₂ and DN₂ resonance spectra : scattering and stabilization calculations / Hiroyasu Koizumi, George C. Schatz, and Joel M. Bowman -- Isotope effects in addition reactions of importance in combustion : theoretical studies of the reactions CH + H₂ [dynamic equilibrium] CH₃* [dynamic equilibrium] CH₂ + H / Albert F. Wagner and Lawrence B. Harding -- Hydrogen isotope effects in chemical reactions and photodissociations / B. Katz and R. Bersohn -- Isotope effects at high temperatures studied by the flash or laser photolysis-shock tube technique / J.V. Michael -- Deuterium substitution used as a tool for investigating mechanisms of gas-phase free-radical reactions / P.H. Wine, A.J. Hynes, and J.M. Nicovich -- Kinetic isotope effects in gas-phase muonium reactions / Susan Baer, Donald Fleming, Donald Arseneau, Masayoshi Senba, and Alicia Gonzalez -- Mass-independent isotopic fractionations and their applications / M.H. Thiemens -- Heavy ozone anomaly : evidence for a mysterious mechanism / S.M. Anderson, K. Mauersberger, J. Morton, and B. Schueler -- Isotopic study of the mechanism of ozone formation / N. Wessel Larsen, T. Pedersen, and J. Sehested -- Negative-ion formation by Rydberg electron transfer : isotope-dependent rate constants / Howard S. Carman, Jr., Cornelius E. Klots, and Robert N. Compton -- Isotope effects in the reactions of atomic ions with H₂, D₂, and HD / Peter B. Armentrout -- Non-mass-dependent isotope effects in the formation of O₄ : evidence for a symmetry restriction / K.S. Griffith and Gregory I. Gellene -- Temperature, kinetic energy, and rotational temperature effects in four reactions involving isotopes / A.A. Viggiano, Robert A. Morris, Jane M. van Doren, John F. Paulson, H.H. Michels, R.H. Hobbs, and Christopher E. Dateo -- Isotope-exchange reactions within gas-phase protonated cluster ions / Susan T. Graul, Mark D. Brickhouse, and Robert R. Squires -- Mechanisms for isotopic enrichment in photochemical reactions / Moshe Shapiro -- State-selected dissociation of trans-HONO(Ã) and DONO(Ã) : effect of intramolecular vibrational dynamics on fragmentation rate, stereochemistry, and product energy distribution / R. Vasudev, S.J. Wategaonkar, S.W. Novicki, and J.H. Shan -- Isotopic dependence of the methyl-radical Rydberg 3 s predissociation dynamics / S.G. Westre, P.B. Kelly, Y.P. Zhang, and L.D. Ziegler -- Laser-stimulated selective reactions and synthesis of isotopomers : new strategies from diatomic to organometallic molecules / J.E. Combariza, C. Daniel, B. Just, E. Kades, E. Kolba, J. Manz, W. Malisch, G.K. Paramonov, and B. Warmuth -- Multiphoton ionization dynamics within (CH₃OH)nCr(CO)₆ van der Waals clusters : isotope effects in intracluster energy transfer / William R. Peifer and James F. Garvey -- Deuterium fractionation in interstellar space / E. Herbst -- Deuterium in the solar system / Yuk L. Yung and Richard W. Dissly -- Kinetic isotope effects and their use in studying atmospheric trace species : case study, CH₄ + OH / Stanley C. Tyler -- Key sulfur-containing compounds in the atmosphere and ocean : determination by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and isotopically labeled internal standards / Alan R. Bandy, Donald C. Thornton, Robert G. Ridgeway, Jr., and Byron W. Blomquist.
Isotope effects in gas-phase chemistry.
Gas-phase chemistry
Chemical reaction, Conditions and laws of, Congresses.
Isotopes, Congresses.
Isotopes, Congrès.
Réactions chimiques-- Mécanismes, Congrès.
Chemical reaction, Conditions and laws of.
Chemische Reaktion
Chimie de l'atmosphère.
Kaye, Jack A.,1954-
American Chemical Society., Division of Physical Chemistry.
American Chemical Society., Meeting(201st :1991 :, Atlanta, Ga.)