Abbreviations; PART A. READING CICERO; I. Reading Events; II. The Texts of the Speeches; III. Truth and Fiction in the Speeches; PART B. READING ORATORY; IV. Cicero's Forensic Baptism: The Pro Quinctio; V. More Problems of Partnership: The Pro Quinto Roscio Comoedo; VI. Property and Violence: The Pro Tullio and Pro Caecina; VII. Cicero and the Citadel of the Allies; VIII. The Defence of Good Men (1): The Other Side of the Quaestio de Repetundis; IX. The Defence of Good Men (2): Treason and Other Crimes against the Roman People; PART C. HISTORY IN SPEECHES AND LETTERS.
Cicero, one of the greatest orators of all time and an important politician at the time of the downfall of the Roman Republic, has left in his writings a first-hand view of the age of Caesar and Pompey. However, readers need to learn how to interpret these writings and, as with any politician or orator, not to believe too easily what he says. This book is a guide to reading Cicero and a companion to anyone who is prepared to take the long but rewarding journey through his works. Itis not in itself a biography, but may help readers to construct their own biographies of Cicero or histories of hi.
Cicero as evidence.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius-- Criticism and interpretation.