Dementia diagnosis -- Presentation and clinical management of dementia -- Neuropsychology in the diagnosis and treatment of dementia -- Alzheimer's disease -- Vascular cognitive impairment -- Frontotemporal dementia -- Functional psychiatric illness in old age -- The older adult with intellectual disability -- Epilepsy -- Headache and facial pain -- Stroke: epidemiology and pathology -- Stroke: clinical presentation, management and organization of services -- Disorders of the autonomic nervous system -- Parkinsonism and other movement disorders -- Neuromuscular disorders -- Intracranial tumors -- Disorders of the spinal cord and nerve roots -- Infections of the central nervous system -- Metabolic bone disease -- Arthritis in the elderly -- Connective tissue diseases -- Orthopedic geriatrics -- Sarcopenia -- Podiatry -- Geriatric dentistry: maintaining oral health in the geriatric population -- The upper gastrointestinal tract -- The pancreas -- The liver -- Biliary tract diseases -- The small bowel -- The large bowel -- Nutrition in aging -- Obesity -- Diseases of the aging kidney -- Disorders of water, electrolyte, and mineral ion metabolism -- The prostate -- Gynecologic disorders in the elderly -- Cancer of the breast in the elderly -- Adrenal and pituitary disorders -- Disorders of the thyroid -- Disorders of the parathyroid glands -- Diabetes mellitus -- Blood disorders in the elderly -- Geriatric oncology -- Skin disease and old age -- Aging and disorders of the eye -- Disorders of hearing -- Health promotion for the community-living older adult -- Preventive and anticipatory care -- Sexuality in old age.
Exercise for successful aging -- Injury in older people -- Rehabilitation: therapy techniques -- Rehabilitation: general principles -- Geriatric pharmacotherapy and polypharmacy -- Impaired mobility -- Falls -- Delirium -- Constipation and fecal incontinence in old age -- Urinary incontinence -- Pressure sores -- Sleep, aging, and late-life insomnia -- Malnutrition in older adults -- The mistreatment and neglect of older people -- Pain in the older adult -- Palliative medicine for the elderly patient -- Ethical issues in geriatric medicine -- The elderly in society: an international perspective -- Geriatrics in Europe -- Geriatrics in North America -- Geriatrics in the rest of the world -- Geriatrics in Latin America -- Long-term care in the United Kingdom -- Institutional long-term care in the United States -- Education in geriatric medicine -- Improving quality of care in the United Kingdom -- Preserving medicare through a "quality" focus -- Managed care for older Americans -- Telemedicine applications in geriatrics.
Introduction: aging, frailty, and geriatric medicine -- The epidemiology of aging -- The future of old age -- Evolution theory and the mechanisms of aging -- Methodological problems of research in older people -- Biology of aging -- Genetic mechanisms of aging -- Cellular mechanisms of aging -- Physiology of aging -- A clinico-mathematical model of aging -- The premature aging syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria: insights into normal aging -- Connective tissues and aging -- Clinical immunology: immune senescence and the acquired immune deficiency of aging -- Effects of aging on the cardiovascular system -- Age-related changes in the respiratory system -- Neurologic signs in the elderly -- Geriatirc gastroenterology: overview -- Aging of the urinary tract -- Bone and joint aging -- Aging and the endocrine system -- Aging and the blood -- Aging and the skin -- The pharmacology of aging -- Antiaging medicine -- The neurobiology of aging: free radical stress and metabolic pathways -- Allostasis and allostatic overload in the context of aging -- Neuroendocrinology of aging -- Normal cognitive aging -- The aging personality and self: diversity and health issues -- Successful aging: the centenarians -- Social gerontology -- Productive aging -- Social vulnerability in old age -- Presentation of disease in old age -- Multidimensional geriatric assessment -- Laboratory medicine in geriatrics -- Social assessment of geriatric patients -- Surgery and anesthesia in old age -- Measuring outcomes of multidimensional interventions -- Chronic cardiac failure -- Diagnosis and management of coronary artrery disease -- The frail elderly patient with heart disease -- Hypertension -- Valvular heart disease -- Cardiac arrhythmias -- Syncope -- Vascular surgery -- Venous thromboembolism in the elderly -- Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -- Nonobstructive lung disease and thoracic tumors.
Popular with generations of practitioners, Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology has been the definitive reference of choice in the field of geriatric care. The new 7th Edition, by Howard M. Fillit, MD, Kenneth Rockwood, MD, and Kenneth Woodhouse, carries on this tradition with an increased clinical focus and updated coverage to help you meet the unique challenges posed by this growing patient population. Consistent discussions of clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and more make reference quick and easy, while over 255 illustrations compliment the text to help you find what you need on a given condition. Examples of the latest imaging studies depict the effects of aging on the brain, and new algorithms further streamline decision making. Expert Consult functionality--new to this edition--further enhances your reference power with convenient online access to the complete text and illustrations from the book. Emphasizes the clinical relevance of the latest scientific findings to help you easily apply the material to everyday practice. Features consistent discussions of clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and more that make reference quick and easy. Includes over 255 illustrations--including algorithms, photographs, and tables--that compliment the text to help you find what you need on a given condition. Provides summary boxes at the end of each chapter that highlight important points.
Elsevier Science & Technology
Brocklehurst's textbook of geriatric medicine and gerontology.