Includes bibliographical references (pages 297-305) and index.
Introduction -- ch. 1: The origins of phenomenology -- ch. 2: Hermeneutic phenomenology as fundamental ontology -- ch. 3: The timing of timeliness -- Appendix A: Glossary of technical terms -- Appendix B. German-English lexicon -- Appendix C. Important conceptual divisions.
Richard Sembera introduces the reader to the essential features of Being and Time, Heidegger's main work in clear and unambiguous English. He dispels the nimbus of unintelligibility surrounding Heidegger's thought, a nimbus that Heidegger himself helped create and that has tended to confine serious Heidegger scholarship to closed circles. This is not a work about the "exisistentialist" Heidegger, the "Nazi" Heidegger, the "gnostic" Heidegger, or the "mystic" Heidegger. Nor is is a "diluted" Heidegger for beginners. Rephrasing Heidegger interpre.