Developmental Psycholinguistics; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Introduction; References; List of contributors; Behavioral methods for investigating morphological and syntactic processing in children; Event-related brain potentials as a window to children's language processing; Using eye movements as a developmental measure within psycholinguistics; Looking while listening; What lurks beneath; Language acquisition research; Index; the series Language Acquisition and Language Disorders.
How do infants and young children coordinate information in real time to arrive at sentence meaning from the words and structure of the sentence and from the nonlinguistic context? This volume introduces readers to an emerging field of research, experimental developmental psycholinguistics, and to the four predominant methodologies used to study on-line language processing in children. Authored by key figures in psycholinguistics, neuroscience and developmental psychology, the chapters cover event-related brain potentials, free-viewing eyetracking, looking-while-listening, and reaction-time te.